humanlongevity / HLA

xHLA: Fast and accurate HLA typing from short read sequence data
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Non human-readable error for test data SRR6000626 #59

Open serge2016 opened 3 years ago

serge2016 commented 3 years ago

Hello! Thank you for this great tool!

I think there is an error when I run xHLA on some the bam-file with the alignment of target reads. It is some kind of test data in my case, that is used in a big pipeline with many tools. I suppose that region of interest is absent in my test data, but I think the error should be more human-readable.

[27/Jul/2021 23:37:42] INFO - Sample_id: SRR6000626 Input file: /dCCkYn/output/inputs/SRR6000626_alignment.bam parameters: DELETE=true FULL=false
Extracting reads from S3
Aligning reads to IMGT database
processing FASTQ file
        found 245 reads
processing MSA file
        found 76507 HLA exons
processing FASTQ file
        matched to 2312 HLA exons
        0 reads matched to HLA types not in the MSA file
translating matches to MSA
[1] "nrow(all) 2769"
[1] "nrow(all) 2769"
[1] "nrow(all) 1450"
[1] "nrow(all) 1450"
[1] "length(unique(all[,q])) 3"
[1] "n.core.reads 3"
[1] "nrow(all) 1343"
[1] "nrow(all) 1343"
[1] "nrow(non.core) 0"
[1] "nrow(core) 1343"
done dcast
done weight
set to 1
done set to 1
Error in, q ~ type, value.var = "specific",  :
  Can not cast an empty data.table
Calls: dcast ->
Execution halted
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/soft/XHLA-34221ea2bb3e09177e237b33ba946404214cc270/bin/", line 64, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 363, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/soft/XHLA-34221ea2bb3e09177e237b33ba946404214cc270/bin/', '/dCCkYn/output/inputs/SRR6000626_alignment.bam', 'SRR6000626', 'delete']' returned non-zero exit status 1.