humanlongevity / HLA

xHLA: Fast and accurate HLA typing from short read sequence data
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some questions about genome version #64

Open milkcookie opened 1 year ago

milkcookie commented 1 year ago

hi all: is there any possible to change the config file to use hg19 genome for xHLA, can you tell me which files need to be changed?

NourMarzouka commented 1 year ago

Could you let me know if you found any solution for the hg19? I have the same question because I have a large list of WES bams (hg19).

chr6 chr6_ssto_hap7 chr6_mcf_hap5 chr6_cox_hap2 chr6_mann_hap4 chr6_apd_hap1 chr6_qbl_hap6 chr6_dbb_hap3

With no HLA or ALT contigs

serge2016 commented 7 months ago

Check this: