humanmade / S3-Uploads

The WordPress Plugin to Store Uploads on Amazon S3
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The server cannot process the image. 500 Server Error #639

Closed rory-ferguson closed 1 year ago

rory-ferguson commented 1 year ago

I've just started receiving this message when uploading images, on localhost and production.

I am not 100% confident it's a plugin issue, also disabled all other plugins and switched default theme.

I can upload an image to the default location, when the plugin is disabled.

If I activate the plugin it no longer works, however does correctly show the images in my S3 bucket.

This is the displayed message


This is the console error


The response

<p>There has been a critical error on this website.</p><p><a href="">Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.</a></p>

rory-ferguson commented 1 year ago

To clarify the image being uploaded is 20kb and 500x500px

rory-ferguson commented 1 year ago

Update: Perhaps AWS had a hiccup, this all of a sudden now works.