humanmade / S3-Uploads

The WordPress Plugin to Store Uploads on Amazon S3
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Multisite Network Support? #658

Closed asifk6820 closed 9 months ago

asifk6820 commented 9 months ago

I want to add Multisite Network Support since my the implementation is working for the main site only . for my other site the implementation is not working.

Any ideas? Love the plugin, really hoping we can get this working!!

joehoyle commented 9 months ago

Hi there,Have you network activated the plugin? There should be no problem with using it on multi site On Dec 5, 2023, at

asifk6820 commented 9 months ago

Hi Joe, Do I need to do some other changes since I have done the changes as per the readme file and here no changes were mentioned for the multisite?

joehoyle commented 9 months ago

@asifk6820 the only difference is wp plugin activate S3-Uploads. If you are on multisite, and you want the it to be active on all sites, you'd need to do wp plugin activate S3-Uploads --network, or activate the plugin in the multisite network plugins page.

asifk6820 commented 9 months ago

hi @joehoyle , it worked but all the images for the the sites are getting stored in the same folder only I want to store my images like below : if there are two multisite site1 and site2 in s3 it should store in two folders like site1 and site2

joehoyle commented 9 months ago

@asifk6820 it should use the same layout as WordPress, so uploads/sites/2/ for example.

asifk6820 commented 9 months ago

Hi @joehoyle , it is really helpful thanks for the help it resolve my issue.