Not really an issue but, when you set in the settings, thumbnail, medium and large size to 0 ( ie to force worpress not to generate a bunch of files and use WPThumb instead ) then load the media manager, the size in the preview are the uploaded one but from a copy in the cache folder.
Ex : Il upload a 4000x3000 image, wp do not generate anything ( this is great ) in the media manager ( when loaded from an article ) the thumbnail size is 4000x3000 forced to max-width:120px in css
So, is it possible to change this behaviour, and specify a size (width=&height=&crop=) ?
Not really an issue but, when you set in the settings, thumbnail, medium and large size to 0 ( ie to force worpress not to generate a bunch of files and use WPThumb instead ) then load the media manager, the size in the preview are the uploaded one but from a copy in the cache folder.
Ex : Il upload a 4000x3000 image, wp do not generate anything ( this is great ) in the media manager ( when loaded from an article ) the thumbnail size is 4000x3000 forced to max-width:120px in css
So, is it possible to change this behaviour, and specify a size (width=&height=&crop=) ?