Propose the following output for the "no results found" message:
Put the message into a p instead of a H3
Add aria-live="polite" to announce this dynamic change to screen-readers.
<p class="search-bar__results__info" style="[...]" aria-live="polite">No results found</p>
This component has actually been removed from the pattern library - and lives in the handbook instead. The accessibility issues are still present so I'll open a ticket there.
The screen reader and keyboard only accessibility of the search form can be improved. Related:
Solutions I found an accessible example, maybe we build our own version based on this.
Propose the following output for the "no results found" message:
instead of aH3
<p class="search-bar__results__info" style="[...]" aria-live="polite">No results found</p>
The focus for the submit button can be solved like