humanmade / hm-time

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Code Review #7

Closed missjwo closed 10 years ago

missjwo commented 10 years ago

Hi @joehoyle ,

@noeltock seemed keen for me to submit what I had done so far so I have got the work to a suitable state and added some notes that can be found in [docs/]

If you have any questions just contact me.


joehoyle commented 10 years ago

Code Review for HM Time plugin

Hey @missjwo, I've been promising you a high level review on your work with HM Time for a while, so here it is! This is fairly high level / sparadic, I don't want to go through and comment every small thing as there is nothing totally wrong etc. The quality of the code is good, and I think you did a great job with this trial project. We didn't give a large amount of direction and I think what you architected was well done.


The documentation you wrote in the form of the docs/ file and the was fantastic. Very coherently written, and easy to understand. Most projects I come into contact with suffer from not having this high level documenation explaining concepts etc, so it's great to see that done here. Please keep up this habbit of writing docs, it helps developer onboarding a huge amount!

Code Structure

I thought the code structure was generally good, though there was a few notes on making it a bit cleaner:

  1. Don't (pretty much ever) put a Class definition in the same file as code that just "runs", for example api-users.php includes add_action( 'wp_json_server_before_serve', 'hm_time_api_init' );. This means including this file will have side effects if you just wanted access to the Class. Always have you "bootstrapping" code, like add filters etc in either the main plugin file, or a method on a class which is invoked from the main plugin file.
  2. Try not to include any commented out code, most of the time this is never actually uncommented / removed once it's in the project. If you are commenting out code, just delete it - we have a Git History for bringing that back :)
  3. Try to be as strict as you can with sticking to the WordPress Codinst Guidelines, in perticalur become obsessed with making sure you have spaces in the right places! Looking at includes/user-profile-fields.php ther is a lot of "missing spaces" which is making my fingers twitch just looking at it! Remember the WordPress mantra, "If in doubt, space it out!" and you should be good!
  4. You'll see in a lot of My and Ryan's code using PHP Namespaces to better partition up code, so you might want to familiarise yourself there if you havn't worked with them before.

Sanitizing / Escaping

It's obvious from reading the code that you are familiar with sanitizing, but it often could/should be taken further. The general rule is "sanitize early". This means if you have ever dealing with a superglobal like $_POST, you should pass your data to a sanitizing function as soon as you assign it to a variable. Take the following example:

} else {
        $hm_tz_new_set_method = $_POST['hm_tz_set_method'];
        $hm_tz_new_timezone  = $_POST['hm_tz_timezone'];
        $hm_tz_new_location  = $_POST['hm_tz_location'];
        $hm_tz_new_workhours =  $_POST['hm_tz_workhours'];
    // Validate and Sanitize

    //Set method validation
    $valid_set_methods = hm_tz_timezone_options();

    if(!empty($hm_tz_new_set_method) && array_key_exists($hm_tz_new_set_method, $valid_set_methods)){
        update_user_meta( $user_id, 'hm_tz_set_method', $hm_tz_new_set_method );

Here you are validating to make sure the $hm_tz_new_set_method is a valid value, which is great. However, because the variable $hm_tz_new_set_method still potentially is unsafe data (say the string: <script>alert( document.cookie )</script>), it's going to be very easy to accidently use that variable in another place and forget it is unsafe. For this reason, this code would be rejected from VIP for example. To get around this, always sanitize on assigning a variable:

$hm_tz_new_set_method = sanitize_key( $_POST['hm_tz_set_method'] );
$hm_tz_new_timezone  = sanitize_key( $_POST['hm_tz_timezone'] );
$hm_tz_new_location  = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['hm_tz_location'] );
$hm_tz_new_workhours =  absint( $_POST['hm_tz_workhours'] ); //maybe this isn't an int?

Always try to use the most strict validation function. If the data should be a number, absint, if it's a "loose" string, sanitize_text_field, if it's a URL esc_url_raw. it takes a bit of learning to get all the sanitizing functions WordPress provides, and also you shold be writing your own sanitizing functions for complex data types.

I also noticed somewhere you were doing:

$hm_time_new_timezone = apply_filters ( 'hm_time_timezone_filter', $hm_time_new_timezone, $_POST );

When a function hooks into this filter, it would not typically expect to be sanitizing the data passed in the second argument, as it wouldn't be $_POST in that context. Here you are potentially passing dangerous data to an unsuspecting function.

On the escaping side I saw much less, the other side to "sanitize early", is "escape late". That means you should be using an escaping function 90% of the time you are outputting anything in PHP. For example:

    $hm_tz_location_value = get_user_meta($user_id, 'hm_tz_location', true);
    $hm_tz_location_input = '<input type="text" name="hm_tz_location" value="'.$hm_tz_location_value.'"/>';

    printf($table_row, 'hm_tz_location', __('City/ Country'), $hm_tz_location_input , '');

Here you are "trusting" that the user_meta hm_tz_location does not contain anything nefarious. As crazy as it may sound, in WordPress Security you don't trust data that comes from the database. It's possible (via some crazy mechanisn, or lack of sanitizing on input) the user meta contains the string " onclick="alert( document.cookie) which is going to allow JavaScript execution, steal administrators cookies and generally make the sky fall on your head.

For every "context" of outputting in PHP there is a WordPress escaping functions. In this case we'd use esc_attr because the value is being outputted to a attribute. esc_attr is not going to allow any charecters such as " or ' that would allow the string to "break out" the attribute. Others, for example: esc_url to be used when you put a URL, esc_html when you are outputting inside HTML elements, e.g. <h1><?php esc_html( $title ) ?></h1>, and many more.

It may seem a pain to have to do these things on every input of data, and every output, but these oversights typically account for 90% of the WordPress security exploits out there. These functions are tried and tested to save you from unexpected situations with handling user input and output.

Translation Functions

I noticed you used translation functions for all the string which is great! It's much nicer to do this as you go, rather than needing to run through and wrap all your strings in the appropriate translation function.

You didn't use a Text Domain for the functions which you techincally should have. This allows the correct translation to be loaded for a given string, see for more information there.

There was quite a few translation strings not translated - I know I didn't say specifically to do this so it's not an problem. Typically if you ever find yourself typing apostrophes with a English word like "Food " then an alarm bell should go off to add translation functions!

That's about all, again I wanted to stress this was a great peice of work and really the above notes something to take on board when continueing with development. I'd recomment looking at other plugins we have built (more modern the better!) to just get an idea of code layout, formatting etc. Great Stuff!

noeltock commented 10 years ago

There's no like button, so... :+1: to @missjwo for the project and @joehoyle for the feedback :)

willmot commented 10 years ago

Nice work @missjwo and great review @joehoyle, I imagine a lot of people would find the review a really useful read.

willmot commented 10 years ago

@missjwo I'd love to share this internally on updates as I think it would be really valuable for others in HM to read through, is that cool?

pdewouters commented 10 years ago


missjwo commented 10 years ago

Only just found this whilst I was cleaning my inbox.

I totally missed the email during WordCamp Manchester weekend.

@willmot Feel free to share. @joehoyle Thanks for the feedback! It's really useful.

willmot commented 10 years ago


dashaluna commented 10 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. It was very useful to read the review to know what kind of things to look out for! Thanks @missjwo and @joehoyle

dashaluna commented 10 years ago

I came across this intro article about validation and sanitisation/escaping. Might be useful to have a read