humanmade / linter-bot

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Allow for custom Stylelint configuration #129

Closed mikeselander closed 4 years ago

mikeselander commented 4 years ago

In the previous PR, I erroneously assumed that we'd just be using the default .stylelintrc.json file that ships with our config, completely forgetting that some projects use custom configurations. This PR allows using custom configurations within project files.

mikeselander commented 4 years ago

@ntwb I'm a little stuck on why I can't get the stylelint Node runner to respect the exclusions registered in a .stylelintignore file. I can get a custom stylelint config file running, but I cannot get the exclusions to take. I've tried the following things:

Am I perhaps missing a bug in Issues or messing something up in my config?

mikeselander commented 4 years ago

FYI this is ready for a final review! :shipit: