humanoid-path-planner / hpp-doc

Documentation for project Humanoid Path Planner
ISC License
29 stars 23 forks source link

Installation on 18.04 #49

Closed jmirabel closed 4 years ago

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

For 18.04, the list of dependencies is:

sudo apt-get install \
  g++ \
  cmake \
  doxygen \
  libboost-dev \
  liburdfdom-dev \
  libassimp-dev \
  libeigen3-dev \
  robotpkg-qpoases+doc \
  robotpkg-roboptim-core \
  robotpkg-roboptim-trajectory \
  ros-melodic-xacro \
  libccd-dev \
  ros-melodic-octomap \
  ros-melodic-resource-retriever \
  ros-melodic-srdfdom \
  ros-melodic-pr2-description \
  git \
  libomniorb4-dev \
  omniorb-nameserver \
  omniidl \
  omniidl-python \
  libltdl-dev \
  python-matplotlib \
  libxml2 \
  libtinyxml2-dev \
  liblog4cxx-dev \
  libltdl-dev \
  qt4-dev-tools \
  libqt4-opengl-dev \
  libqtgui4 \
  libqtwebkit-dev \
  oxygen-icon-theme \
  libopenscenegraph-3.4-dev \

For Qt5, install qt5-default qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev qtdeclarative5-devqtbase5-private-dev.

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

Baxter is not available anymore.

jmirabel commented 5 years ago

available through robotpkg-romeo-description and robotpkg-ros-baxter-common

nim65s commented 5 years ago

I guess everything is OK now: