We are trying to use in a project the google_map_location_picker
3.2.1+1 you created for flutter but when running flutter pub get after
adding the import in the pubspec, we get the following error: flutter
pub get
Because google_map_location_picker >=3.2.1+1 depends on provider
^4.0.4 and ParkNGo depends on provider 3.2.0,
google_map_location_picker >=3.2.1+1 is forbidden.
So, because ParkNGo depends on google_map_location_picker ^3.2.1+1,
version solving failed.
Running "flutter pub get" in pa-mobile...
pub get failed (1; So, because ParkNGo depends on
google_map_location_picker ^3.2.1+1, version solving failed.)
From the email
We are trying to use in a project the google_map_location_picker 3.2.1+1 you created for flutter but when running flutter pub get after adding the import in the pubspec, we get the following error: flutter pub get Because google_map_location_picker >=3.2.1+1 depends on provider ^4.0.4 and ParkNGo depends on provider 3.2.0, google_map_location_picker >=3.2.1+1 is forbidden. So, because ParkNGo depends on google_map_location_picker ^3.2.1+1, version solving failed. Running "flutter pub get" in pa-mobile... pub get failed (1; So, because ParkNGo depends on google_map_location_picker ^3.2.1+1, version solving failed.)