Closed craigsapp closed 3 years ago
Attaching the hairpin end to the grace note seems to be related to the problem:
Moving the end of the hairpin off of the grace note:
**kern **kern **dynam
*clefF4 *clefG2 *
*k[b-e-a-d-] *k[b-e-a-d-] *
*M4/4 *M4/4 *
*met(c) *met(c) *
=16 =16 =16
12AA-L 4cc) .
12c 12A- . .
12E-J . .
12CL (>8.ccL .
12en 12G . .
12cJ . .
. 16b-Jk) .
12FL 4a- <
12f 12c . .
12A-J . .
. 16qa-LL .
. 16qb-JJ .
12D-L 4b-TT .
12f 12B- . .
[12GJ . [
. 16qa-LL@ .
. 16qb-JJ@ .
=17 =17 =17
12GL] 12C (>20ccLL .
. 20dd- .
12en 12B- . .
. 20cc .
. 20bn .
12cJ . .
. 20ccJJ .
. 8qcc >
12FL 12aa-L) .
12f 12A- (> .
12cJ . .
. 24ffJk .
12D-L 12ffL .
12f 12A- 12ee- .
12B-J 12dd-J .
12E-L 28dd-LL .
. 28ee- .
. 28dd-J .
12e-X 12G . .
. 14cc) .
12d-J . .
. 28r .
. (28b-XJk ]
=18 =18 =18
*- *- *-
!!!RDF**kern: > = above
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
!!!RDF**kern: @ = marked note
Here is a similar problem caused by attaching a crescendo hairpin to a grace note at the end of the measure:
Humdrum data:
**kern **kern **dynam
*clefF4 *clefG2 *
*k[b-e-a-d-] *k[b-e-a-d-] *
*f: *f: *
*M3/4 *M3/4 *
*MM162 *MM162 *
=27 =27 =27
4c 4G 4F (<8b-L .
. 8a- .
4c 4B- 4F 8gm< .
. 8f .
4c 4B- 4F 8g .
. 8a-J) .
=28 =28 =28
4c' 4A- 4F 8f'L .
. 16r <
. 16gk .
(>4c 4A- 4F 8a- .
. 8b- .
4B- 4A- 4F) 8cc .
. 8dd-J .
. 8qdd-/ [
=29 =29 =29
*ped * *
! !LO:TX:b:iB:t=dolce. !
4EE-' 8.ffL >
. 16ee-Jk ]
4d- 4G 4E- 4dd-M .
*Xped * *
4d- 4G 4E- (>8ccL .
. 8b-J .
= = =
*- *- *-
!!!RDF**kern: > = above
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
MEI conversion:
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<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
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<p>Transcoded from Humdrum</p>
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<startTime float="9" />
<referenceValue>> = above</referenceValue>
<metaFrame n="36" token="!!!RDF**kern: < = below" xml:id="L37">
<startTime float="9" />
<referenceValue>< = below</referenceValue>
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<layer xml:id="layer-L16F1N1" n="1">
<chord xml:id="chord-L17F1" dur="4">
<note xml:id="note-L17F1S1" oct="4" pname="c" accid.ges="n" />
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<note xml:id="note-L17F1S3" oct="3" pname="f" accid.ges="n" />
<artic xml:id="artic-L17F1" artic="stacc" />
<chord xml:id="chord-L20F1" dur="4">
<note xml:id="note-L20F1S1" oct="4" pname="c" accid.ges="n" />
<note xml:id="note-L20F1S2" oct="3" pname="a" accid.ges="f" />
<note xml:id="note-L20F1S3" oct="3" pname="f" accid.ges="n" />
<chord xml:id="chord-L22F1" dur="4">
<note xml:id="note-L22F1S1" oct="3" pname="b" accid.ges="f" />
<note xml:id="note-L22F1S2" oct="3" pname="a" accid.ges="f" />
<note xml:id="note-L22F1S3" oct="3" pname="f" accid.ges="n" />
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<note xml:id="note-L29F2" dur="16" oct="5" pname="e" accid.ges="f" />
<note xml:id="note-L30F2" dur="4" oct="5" pname="d" accid.ges="f" />
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<note xml:id="note-L32F2" dur="8" oct="5" pname="c" accid.ges="n" />
<note xml:id="note-L33F2" dur="8" oct="4" pname="b" accid.ges="f" />
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<note xml:id="note-L30F1S2" oct="3" pname="g" accid.ges="n" />
<note xml:id="note-L30F1S3" oct="3" pname="e" accid.ges="f" />
<chord xml:id="chord-L32F1" dur="4">
<note xml:id="note-L32F1S1" oct="4" pname="d" accid.ges="f" />
<note xml:id="note-L32F1S2" oct="3" pname="g" accid.ges="n" />
<note xml:id="note-L32F1S3" oct="3" pname="e" accid.ges="f" />
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<rend xml:id="rend-0000001896199655" fontweight="bold">dolce.</rend>
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<pedal xml:id="pedal-L31F1" staff="2" tstamp="3.000000" dir="up" vgrp="200" />
There are problems with this trill:
The grace notes at the end of the measure are placed at the start of the measure (red notes).
If the grace notes are removed, the music is spaced properly and the trill extension is displayed:
Humdrum data:
MEI conversion seems OK: