humdrum-tools / verovio-humdrum-viewer

Verovio Humdrum Viewer
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Composite tool crash examples #838

Open craigsapp opened 1 year ago

craigsapp commented 1 year ago

Composite rhythm program has problem with rendering the composite rhythm (seems to crash):

!!!!SEGMENT: T785_Mes-w26p19m2-10.krn
!!!COM: Messiaen, Olivier (Eugène Prosper Charles)
!!!OTL: V: Pièce en trio (Piece in Trio)
!!!AGN: Instrumental
!!!AGN-sub: Keyboard
!!!CNT: French
!!!ODT: 1951
!!!OPR: Livre d'orgue (Organ Book)
!!!filename: T785_Mes-w26p19m2-10.krn
**kern  **dynam **kern  **dynam **kern  **dynam
*grp:A  *   *grp:A  *   *grp:B  *
*part2  *   *part1  *   *part1  *
*staff3 *   *staff2 *   *staff1 *
*ICklav *   *ICklav *   *ICklav *
*Iorgan *   *Iorgan *   *Iorgan *
*I"Pedals   *   *I"Organ Manual *   *I"Organ Manual *
*I'org-ped  *   *I'org-man  *   *I'org-man  *
*clefF4 *   *clefG2 *   *clefG2 *
*k[]    *   *k[]    *   *k[]    *
*C: *   *C: *   *C: *
=1  =1  =1  =1  =1  =1
!!LO:TX:B:t=[Bien modéré]
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=15   !   !   !
!   !   !LO:TX:b:i:rj:t=m.g.    !   !   !
!   !   !LO:TX:rj:B:t=R !   !   !
!   !   !LO:TX:a:t=laya !LO:DY:b:i:t=%s legato  !   !
2r  .   [4gg#X  mf  4r  .
.   .   8gg#L_  .   8r  .
.   .]    .   16r .
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:B:rj:t=Pos.    !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:i:t=legato !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=rangapradipaka   !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:i:rj:t=m.dr.   !
.   .   .   .   [16an   f
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=11   !   !   !
.   .   [32eee-XJJk .   .   .
=2  =2  =2  =2  =2  =2
2r  .   4eee-X_ .   4a] .
.   .   16eee-KL]   .   [4fn    .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=19   !   !   !
.   .   [8.ff#XJ    .   .   .
=3  =3  =3  =3  =3  =3
2r  .   4ff#X_  .   16fnXKL]    .
.   .   .   .   8.B-XJ  .
.   .   8ff#L]  .   [4ggn   .
.   .   32ff#LL .   .   .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=19   !   !   !
.   .   [32bnJJJ    .   .   .
.   .   16b_    .   .   .
=4  =4  =4  =4  =4  =4
2r  .   2b] .   16ggKL] .
.   .   .   .   [8.cnJ  .
.   .   .   .   4c] .
*   *   *clefF4 *   *   *
=5  =5  =5  =5  =5  =5
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=19   !   !LO:TX:a:t=caccari  !
2r  .   [2DDn   .   (32a-XKLL   .
.   .   .   .   16aan)  .
.   .   .   .   (32eenJJk   .
.   .   .   .   16d#XLL)    .
.   .   .   .   (<32f#XL    .
.   .   .   .   [32cc#XJJJ  .
.   .   .   .   32cc#LLL])  .
.   .   .   .   (32ffnJ .
.   .   .   .   16cccnJJ)   .
.   .   .   .   (32ee-XKLL  .
.   .   .   .   16bn)   .
.   .   .   .   (<32B-XJJk  .
=6  =6  =6  =6  =6  =6
!   !   !LO:TX:a:B:rj:t=R   !   !LO:TX:a:B:rj:t=Pos.    !
2r  .   16.DDnXLL]  .   16a-XLL)    .
.   .   .   .   (32dd-XL    .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=15   !   !   !
.   .   [32F#XJJk   .   [32ggnJJJ   .
.   .   8F#_    .   32ggLLL])   .
.   .   .   .   (32eeenJ    .
.   .   .   .   16aanJJ)    .
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:b:i:t=legato !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=sama !
.   .   4F#_    .   8fnL    .
.   .   .   .   8B-XJ   .
*   *   *   *   *clefF4 *
=7  =7  =7  =7  =7  =7
2r  .   16F#XKL]    .   [16GGnLL    .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=19   !   !   !
.   .   [8.AA-XJ    .   32GGL]  .
.   .   .   .   [32D-XJJJ   .
.   .   .   .   16D-LL] .
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=rangapradipaka   !
.   .   .   .   [16cnJJ .
.   .   4AA-_   .   8.c]    .
.   .   .   .   32c .
*   *   *   *   *clefG2 *
.   .   .   .   [32een  .
=8  =8  =8  =8  =8  =8
8r  .   8AA-X_  .   4eenX]  .
!LO:TX:b:i:t=leg.   !LO:DY:rj:t=più %s  !   !   !   !
[8F#X   f   32AA-KLL]   .   .   .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=9    !   !   !
.   .   [16.e-XJJ   .   .   .
!LO:TX:b:i:t=(mélodie principale)   !   !   !   !   !
4F#]    .   8.e-]   .   [8dddn  .
.   .   .   .   32dddLLL]   .
.   .   .   .   [32bbnJ .
*   *   *clefG2 *   *   *
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=9    !   !   !
.   .   [16b-X  .   16bbJJ_ .
=9  =9  =9  =9  =9  =9
16Cn<LL/    .   8b-X_   .   8.bbnXL]    .
16F#XJ  .   .   .   .   .
8CnJ    .   16.b-LL]    .   .   .
.   .   .   .   [16ddnJk    .
!   !   !LO:TX:b:t=9    !   !   !
.   .   [32ggnJJk   .   .   .
8E-<XL  .   4gg]    .   4dd_    .
8B-XJ   .   .   .   .   .
=   =   =   =   =   =
*-  *-  *-  *-  *-  *-
!!!system-decoration: [({(s1,s2)})]s3
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
!!!EED:Jason Lee
!!!EED2: Gabriella Vici
!!!Suter_Work_ID: Mes-26
!!!Suter_Example_Number: 785
!!!Suter_Example_ID: Mes-26/19/deux dernières lignes
!!!Premiere_Location: Stuttgart,Germany
!!!Other_Tsigs: none
!!!Full_Unit_Duration: 7:49
!!!First_Publication_Year: 1953
!!!First_Public_Performance_Year: 1952
!!!Example_Total_Measures: 9
!!!Example_Timestamp_Duration: 34
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Type: unmetered
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Mean_Beat_Rate: 32
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Beat_Rate: 32
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Beat: {quarter}
!!!Example_Start_Tsig: {2/4}
!!!Example_Start_Timestamp: 0:40
!!!Example_Start_Tempo_Expression: [Bien modéré]
!!!Example_Start_Notated_Beat_Rate: {32}
!!!Example_Start_Notated_Beat: {quarter}
!!!Example_Start_Measure: 4
!!!Example_Metadata_Validated: Y
!!!Example_End_Timestamp: 1:14
!!!Example_End_Measure: 12
!!!Example_Dataset: T
!!!Editorial_Comments: No notated tempo. Example Start Notated Beat and Example Start Notated Beat Rate {quarter=32} calculated from recording ( Example Start Tempo Expression [Bien modéré] based on most recent notated tempo expression (SWFU, m. 1).
!!!Death_Place: Paris,France
!!!Death_Date: 27-Apr-1992
!!!Changing_Tsig: no
!!!Birth_Place: Avignon,France
!!!Birth_Date: 10-Dec-1908
!!!EEV2: 2022/04/27
!!!filter: composite -ug| shed -e 's/grp:A/color:crimson/I; s/grp:B/color:dodgerblue/I'

Same problem with T781

!!!!SEGMENT: T786_Mes-w26p33m1-6.krn
!!!COM: Messiaen, Olivier (Eugène Prosper Charles)
!!!OTL: VII: Soixante quatre durées (Sixty-Four Durations)
!!!AGN: Instrumental
!!!AGN-sub: Keyboard
!!!CNT: French
!!!ODT: 1951
!!!OPR: Livre d'orgue (Organ Book)
!!!filename: T786_Mes-w26p33m1-6.krn
**kern  **dynam **kern  **dynam **kern  **dynam
*grp:A  *   *grp:B  *   *grp:A  *
*part2  *   *part1  *   *part1  *
*staff3 *   *staff2 *   *staff1 *
*ICklav *   *ICklav *   *ICklav *
*Iorgan *   *Iorgan *   *Iorgan *
*I"Pedals   *   *I"Organ Manual *   *I"Organ Manual *
*I'org-ped  *   *I'org-man  *   *I'org-man  *
*clefF4 *   *clefF4 *   *clefG2 *
*k[]    *   *k[]    *   *k[]    *
*C: *   *C: *   *C: *
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=61   !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:i:rj:t=m.dr.   !
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:B:t=R  !
!LO:TX:b:t=29   !LO:DY:t=%s legato  !   !   !LO:TX:a:B:t=Modéré !LO:DY:t=%s legato
[2FFn [2F#X p   8r  .   [2b-X [2ggn pp
!   !   !LO:TX:a:rj:t=Pos.  !   !   !
!   !   !LO:TX:b:i:rj:t=m.g.    !LO:DY:rj   !   !
.   .   8EE-X~  f   .   .
.   .   16r .   .   .
.   .   8An'    .   .   .
.   .   (32GG#XLLL  .   .   .
.   .   32C#XJJJ    .   .   .
=   =   =   =   =   =
4FFnX_ 4F#X_    .   8DDn')  .   2b-X_ 2ggnX_    .
.   .   (<[8Bn^ .   .   .
!   !   !LO:TUP:br:a    !   !   !
8FF_ 8F#_   .   24BLL]  .   .   .
.   .   24En    .   .   .
.   .   24CnJJ) .   .   .
32FFLLL] 32F#]  .   8r  .   .   .
!LO:TX:b:t=30   !   !   !   !   !
[32EEnJ [32G#X  .   .   .   .   .
16EEJJ_ 16G#_   .   .   .   .   .
*   *   *clefG2 *   *   *
=   =   =   =   =   =
!   !   !LO:TX:a:rj:t=G !LO:DY:rj   !   !
2EEnX_ 2G#X_    .   (40AnLLL    mf  2b-X_ 2ggnX_    .
.   .   40bn    .   .   .
.   .   40fn    .   .   .
.   .   40ff#X  .   .   .
.   .   40cc#XJJJ)  .   .   .
.   .   8r  .   .   .
.   .   4r  .   .   .
*   *   *clefF4 *   *   *
=   =   =   =   =   =
!   !   !LO:TX:a:rj:t=Pos.  !   !   !
.   .   (<8qcn/ f   .   f
4EEnX_ 4G#X_    .   12E-X'L)    .   4b-X_ 4ggnX_    .
.   .   24DDn'Jk    .   .   .
.   .   8r  .   .   .
16EELL_ 16G#_   .   4r  .   8b-_ 8gg_   .
32EEL] 32G#]    .   .   .   .   .
!LO:TX:b:t=31   !   !   !   !   !
[32DD-XJJJ [32Fn    .   .   .   .   .
8DD-_ 8F_   .   .   .   32b-LLL] 32gg]  .
!   !   !   !   !LO:TX:a:t=62   !
.   .   .   .   [32ee-XJ [32cccn    .
.   .   .   .   16ee-JJ_ 16ccc_ .
=   =   =   =   =   =
2DD-X_ 2FnX_    .   8.r .   2ee-X_ 2cccnX_  .
!   !   !LO:TX:a:rj:t=G !LO:DY:rj   !   !
.   .   16DDn~  mf  .   .
!   !   !LO:TUP:a   !   !   !
.   .   40r .   .   .
.   .   (40AAnLLL   .   .   .
.   .   40B-X   .   .   .
.   .   40en    .   .   .
.   .   40F#XJJJ)   .   .   .
.   .   16r .   .   .
*   *   *clefG2 *   *   *
.   .   [16gn~  .   .   .
=   =   =   =   =   =
4DD-X_ 4Fn_ .   8gn],   .   2ee-X_ 2cccnX_  .
!   !   !LO:TUP:br:a    !   !   !
.   .   (24bn^KL    .   .   .
.   .   12gg#XJ)    .   .   .
16DD-KL] 16F]   .   4r  .   .   .
!LO:TX:b:t=32   !   !   !   !   !
[8.DDnJ [8.En   .   .   .   .   .
*   *   *clefF4 *   *   *
=   =   =   =   =   =
*-  *-  *-  *-  *-  *-
!!!system-decoration: [({(s1,s2)})]s3
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
!!!RDF**kern: > = above
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
!!!EED:Jason Lee
!!!EED2: Gabriella Vici
!!!Suter_Work_ID: Mes-26
!!!Suter_Example_Number: 786
!!!Suter_Example_ID: Mes-26/33/1-6
!!!Premiere_Location: Stuttgart,Germany
!!!Other_Tsigs: none
!!!Full_Unit_Duration: 11:00
!!!First_Publication_Year: 1953
!!!First_Public_Performance_Year: 1952
!!!Example_Total_Measures: 6
!!!Example_Timestamp_Duration: 34
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Type: unmetered
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Mean_Beat_Rate: 21
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Beat_Rate: 21
!!!Example_Start_Tsig_Beat: {quarter}
!!!Example_Start_Tsig: {2/4}
!!!Example_Start_Timestamp: 0:00
!!!Example_Start_Tempo_Expression: Modéré
!!!Example_Start_Notated_Beat_Rate: {21}
!!!Example_Start_Notated_Beat: {quarter}
!!!Example_Start_Measure: 1
!!!Example_Metadata_Validated: Y
!!!Example_End_Timestamp: 0:34
!!!Example_End_Measure: 6
!!!Example_Dataset: T
!!!Editorial_Comments: No notated tempo. Example Start Notated Beat and Example Start Notated Beat Rate {quarter=21} calculated from recording (; tempo for audio synthesis {eighth=46} was calculated using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Editorial Note: Full Unit Start Time Signature {2/4} based on a calculation of the number of quarter beats in the first unmetered measure, which is consistently maintained.
!!!Death_Place: Paris,France
!!!Death_Date: 27-Apr-1992
!!!Changing_Tsig: no
!!!Birth_Place: Avignon,France
!!!Birth_Date: 10-Dec-1908
!!!EEV2: 2022/04/27
!!!filter: composite -ug| shed -e 's/grp:A/color:crimson/I; s/grp:B/color:dodgerblue/I'
craigsapp commented 1 year ago

Group displays are ok, but not composite views.

craigsapp commented 1 year ago

Also T792