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Error when connecting to Dockerized HumHub Instance #112

Closed FabianSimonGross closed 9 months ago

FabianSimonGross commented 9 months ago


I'm not particular sure if that's an administration issue on my side. But when I try connecting with my Instance running in a dockerized environment it says: ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED

I'd like to test around a bit with the App.


ArchBlood commented 9 months ago

Are you using a reverse proxy or unsecure domain as this only happens when trying to access a web page that wants to transmit cleartext or unsecure Information, Android blocks this to protect user data by default.

FabianSimonGross commented 9 months ago

I'm using it behind a traefik reverse proxy yes. Is there any way to "avoid" that?

ArchBlood commented 9 months ago

There are a few ways to fix the issue, namely in the configuration allow for cleartext, not advised but possible, the other is for you to make sure that your connection is secure through the reverse proxy.

Overall it would be up to @luke- to have it implemented, but again I wouldn't recommend allowing it because it could cause more harm than good.

FabianSimonGross commented 9 months ago

Thanks I figured it out now.

In our docker-container the settings for running it behind a reverse-proxy have not been set properly.

This Part of the Docs from HumHub is necessary to be completed:

So far thank you for that project btw. we have been looking for something like this for at least 3 years by now.