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Blank screen when switching apps on Android 14 #173

Closed wtbk closed 2 months ago

wtbk commented 3 months ago

When switching back to the HumHub app after using another app, the screen turns and stays blank (blue). Killing and restarting the app resolves this issue as well as using the split screen feature. Tested on Google Pixel 6 Pro and observed on other Android 14 devices as well. Screenshot_20240324-094444 Screenshot_20240324-094422

marc-farre commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue on Android 10 and app v1.0.93 and v1.0.95 with this sequence:

  1. Close HumHub app (by swipping up the app in the Overview)
  2. Open a notification email and click on the button
  3. HumHub app opens with the blank screen

@PrimozRatej I think it's since this:

marc-farre commented 2 months ago

@PrimozRatej any news about it? Thanks!

Jozmichne commented 2 months ago

I also have this issue, tried it on 3 different android devices and got the same blank screen result. Restarting the app works but only till you have to use another app momentarily and then open a notification from humhub, the blank screen come back..

marc-farre commented 2 months ago

@luke- The app is very difficult to use when clicking on notifications because since the introduction of this still unresolved bug.

luke- commented 2 months ago

@marc-farre I'll discuss with @PrimozRatej

PrimozRatej commented 2 months ago

Hey @luke- , @marc-farre apologies for the delayed response; I was on medical leave. This pull request should fix the push and intent redirect bug.

luke- commented 2 months ago

@PrimozRatej Thanks, for the fix!

@marc-farre Can you please test it? I'll release the v1.0.96 soon.

marc-farre commented 2 months ago

@PrimozRatej thanks! I hope you're fully recovered. @luke- yes, the issue is fixed. FYI I've opened this new one: