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Tracking app users? #182

Open samuk opened 1 month ago

samuk commented 1 month ago

I've started promoting the Android app to my users. Is there a way to tell how many are actually using it? Are you able to adjust the user-agent perhaps? Or is it just using the devices default browser?

I use Matomo for analytics which provides this report


ArchBlood commented 1 month ago

I believe this would be a great module idea, I say this due to already creating a module based on User-Agents, with some refactoring I could probably implement such a function for admins in the backend that will help with such a thing, although the module currently wasn't ideal for the marketplace I believe it can be a very useful tool in this aspect. Screenshot_1

samuk commented 1 month ago

Nice, do you think that the Android app will be able to define a user agent?

Looking at my report again I guess it's the chrome webview figure for Chrome mobile users?

What does the 'headless chrome' figure relate to?

marc-farre commented 1 month ago

@PrimozRatej Maybe you add a custom identifier in the user-agent? E.g.: HumHubMobileApp I'm not a DART developer, but it might be something like that:

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

class CustomClient extends http.BaseClient {
  final http.Client _inner = http.Client();

  Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
    request.headers['User-Agent'] = 'HumHubMobileApp';
    return _inner.send(request);
ArchBlood commented 1 month ago

Here's a demo implementation through a module;


marc-farre commented 1 month ago

@ArchBlood Thanks. The Analytics module already stores the Browser in the DB. So if we can have a custom user agent for the Mobile App, I'll be able to detect it. And then, I can add statistics about Browser usages (currently the module only displays this info for a specific user).

PrimozRatej commented 1 week ago

Hey @marc-farre, @samuk, @ArchBlood, I'm sorry for the late response. Yes, it is possible to define a custom user agent. Currently, we have it configured the same for every instance. Additionally, there is a custom header appended to every request to define traffic from the mobile app.

static const String userAgent =
      'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36';

            javaScriptEnabled: true,
            useShouldOverrideUrlLoading: true,
            userAgent: userAgent,
            applicationNameForUserAgent: 'HumHub-Mobile'),

// If 'x-humhub-app' is present, that indicates mobile app traffic.
 Map<String, String> get customHeaders => {
        'x-humhub-app-token': randomHash!,
        'x-humhub-app': appVersion ?? '1.0.0',
        'x-humhub-app-ostate': isHideOpener ? '1' : '0'