humhub / calendar

Create one-time or recurring events, invite and manage attendees, and keep track of all your events with the Calendar module.
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copy event #411

Open RoundAboutWEB opened 1 year ago

RoundAboutWEB commented 1 year ago

Sometimes it would be very helpful if you could copy an appointment, as only small things change. So far I miss the function to copy an entry. Is this planned for the future?

ArchBlood commented 4 months ago

Not tested;

Example Controller;


namespace humhub\modules\calendar\controllers;

use Yii;
use yii\web\Controller;
use humhub\modules\calendar\models\CalendarEntry;
use humhub\modules\calendar\permissions\ManageEntry;
use humhub\modules\calendar\permissions\CreateEntry;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;

class CopyController extends Controller
     * Copies an existing calendar entry.
     * @param int $id the ID of the entry to copy
     * @param string|null $start_datetime optional start datetime for the new entry
     * @param string|null $end_datetime optional end datetime for the new entry
     * @return mixed response
     * @throws \yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException if user does not have permission
     * @throws \yii\web\NotFoundHttpException if entry is not found
    public function actionCopy($id, $start_datetime = null, $end_datetime = null)
        // Check if the user has permission to manage or create calendar entries
        if (!$this->contentContainer->can(ManageEntry::class) && !$this->contentContainer->can(CreateEntry::class)) {
            throw new \yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException('You are not allowed to copy calendar entries.');

        // Get the existing calendar entry
        $existingEntry = CalendarEntry::findOne($id);

        if (!$existingEntry) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException('Calendar entry not found.');

        // Create a new calendar entry with the same attributes as the existing one
        $newEntry = new CalendarEntry();
        $newEntry->attributes = $existingEntry->attributes;

        // Customize the title for the new entry
        $newEntry->title = $existingEntry->title . ' (Copy)';

        // Set custom start and end datetimes if provided, otherwise use the original entry's datetimes
        $newEntry->start_datetime = $start_datetime ?? $existingEntry->start_datetime;
        $newEntry->end_datetime = $end_datetime ?? $existingEntry->end_datetime;

        // You can copy other attributes here if needed

        // Save the new entry
        if ($newEntry->save()) {
            Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Calendar entry copied successfully.');
        } else {
            Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', 'Error copying calendar entry.');

        // Render the copy view with the appropriate parameters
        $copyUrl = Url::toEditEntry($newEntry, null, $this->contentContainer, null);
        return $this->renderAjax('copy', [
            'calendarEntry' => $newEntry,
            'contentContainer' => $this->contentContainer,
            'copyUrl' => $copyUrl,

Button Example

<?= Button::primary(Yii::t('CalendarModule.base', 'Copy'))->action('ui.modal.load', $copyUrl, "[data-content-key=" . $calendarEntry->content->id . "]") ?>