humhub / legal

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User data export #77

Closed yurabakhtin closed 6 days ago

yurabakhtin commented 1 month ago

luke- commented 1 month ago

@yurabakhtin Thanks, looks already quite good!

luke- commented 1 month ago

@yurabakhtin Thanks, looks very good.

What do you think of the following API for modules? (I would prefer when the Legal module triggers the event).

We should also document this API in the Legal module under docs/


['class' => 'humhub\modules\legal\services\ExportService', 'event' => 'collectUserData', 'callback' => ['humhub\modules\wiki\Events', 'onLegalUserDataCollect']],


  use humhub\modules\legal\events\UserDataCollectionEvent;

  public static function onLegalUserDataCollect(UserDataCollectionEvent $event)
        $event->addData('wiki', array_map(function ($page) {
                return RestDefinitions::getWikiPage($page);
            }, WikiPage::find()
                ->andWhere(['content.created_by' => $event->user->id])
       # $event->addFile()         //?
yurabakhtin commented 1 month ago


What do you think of the following API for modules? (I would prefer when the Legal module triggers the event).

I have implemened your solution in the commits and

yurabakhtin commented 1 month ago

What do you think about introducing a class like events/UserDataCollectionEvent (maybe based on UserEvent), which is only responsible for collecting and holding the data. Then we could remove this part from the ExportService.

@luke- Done in the commits and