Any help would be welcome - is it possible to launch the helm chart with the fluentbit debug pod to allow shell or bash?
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [ warn] net_tcp_fd_connect: getaddrinfo(host=''): Name or service not known
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [ warn] net_tcp_fd_connect: getaddrinfo(host=''): Name or service not known
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [ warn] net_tcp_fd_connect: getaddrinfo(host=''): Name or service not known
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [error] [io_tls] flb_io_tls.c:359 NET - Connection was reset by peer
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [error] [io_tls] flb_io_tls.c:359 NET - Connection was reset by peer
[2022/01/31 09:50:47] [error] [io_tls] flb_io_tls.c:359 NET - Connection was reset by peer
root@humio-fluentbit-hn58j:/# telnet 443
Connected to
apt install curl
root@humio-fluentbit-hn58j:/# curl -k
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------- PARTIAL SOLVE -------------
edit the values.yaml
outputConfig: |-
Name es
Match *
Host <=========== HARDCODED
Port 443 <==================== HARDCODED
tls.verify true <================= HARDCODED
HTTP_User test123
Logstash_Format On
Retry_Limit False
Type flb_type
Time_Key @timestamp
Replace_Dots On
Logstash_Prefix FluentBitHelmChart
Buffer_Size 5MB
helm upgrade humio ./humio-helm/humio-helm-charts --set humio-fluentbit.token=REDACTED --namespace logging --values humio-agent.yml
I get data in humio
23423 errors
23423 events
------- SOLVE ------------
Its to do with the :433
Where i fell down is in the documentation "Replace $YOUR_HUMIO_URL with the hostname of your Humio installation." in here
It links straight to endpoints
Which has both URL and PORT.
Would it be possible to add an example of the above?
Also further Options could be that we split out the URL and port so when its passed to the values.yml it doesn't get evaluated as one?
Situation: I have followed the instructions to launch the helm chart and I get the below error Background: Followed these instructions Assessment: It seems that the fluentbit container is unable to resolve DNS however loading up a DNS utils pod in the same namespace it can Recommendation: I have tried IP the cloud humio IP addresses and other enpoint options
Any help would be welcome - is it possible to launch the helm chart with the fluentbit debug pod to allow shell or bash?
Actions: Setup helm
Create file: humio-agent.yml
Setup Helm
Create DNS utils
Check all DNS is working
--- Update ---
------- PARTIAL SOLVE ------------- edit the values.yaml humio-helm/humio-helm-charts/charts/humio-fluentbit/values.yaml
helm upgrade humio ./humio-helm/humio-helm-charts --set humio-fluentbit.token=REDACTED --namespace logging --values humio-agent.yml I get data in humio syslog-k8s: 23423 errors 23423 events
------- SOLVE ------------ Its to do with the :433
Detail: Where i fell down is in the documentation "Replace $YOUR_HUMIO_URL with the hostname of your Humio installation." in here It links straight to endpoints Which has both URL and PORT.
Would it be possible to add an example of the above?
Also further Options could be that we split out the URL and port so when its passed to the values.yml it doesn't get evaluated as one?