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Humio web interface sorst of count column sorts value as strings instead of as numbers . #84

Closed alexsuh7 closed 5 years ago

alexsuh7 commented 5 years ago

Humio web interface sort of count column sorts value as strings instead of as numbers . See Screenshot attached For example:

If the result of the groupby() query returns three rows in the form (value,count)

("value1" , 5) , ("value2" , 411) , ("value3", 3123456)

then sorting by count would produce a list in the following order sorted by the string value of the count field

what is expected? it is expteced for the rows to be sorted by the numeric value of the 'count' field

Chadtech commented 5 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your detailed report of this. This is very clearly related to a recent change I made and I should be able to fix this problem soon. I will post updates here.

alexsuh7 commented 5 years ago

thanks , good luck 👍

Chadtech commented 5 years ago

I've fixed it. I expect it will appear in our next release.

mortengrouleff commented 5 years ago

Released in 1.5.16.

alexsuh7 commented 5 years ago

great , thank you!