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Parser editor: Examples view buggy with many (>30) fields #96

Closed gwtwod closed 4 years ago

gwtwod commented 4 years ago

Humio Version: Humio Version: 1.6.3--build-7700--sha-89765c301 (and 1.6.2) Browser Version: Chrome Version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

In the parser-editor, if you add an example with many fields (>25 or so) the key-value view that pops up when you execute the tests or click on the example event takes up all the space so you can't see the buttons or example list anymore. Only way to get back is to reload the page.

For example, run parseJson() on this event:

{"timestamp":"2019-09-13T14:44:09+0200","clientip":"","frontend_host":"frontend01","uri":"/api/rss/atom","uri_query":"","method":"GET","status":"200","useragent":"-","referer":"-","session_id":"-","accept_language":"-","ident":"-","user":"-","bytes":"5588","accept_encoding":"-","duration":"9032","cookie":"-","access-requests":"GET /api/rss/atom HTTP/1.1","field1":"value1","field2":"value2","field3":"value3","field4":"value4","field5":"value5","field6":"value6","field7":"value7","field8":"value8","field9":"value9"}
andejens commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reporting this - we'll take a look.

anagrius commented 4 years ago

Fixed, coming out soon