humlab-sead / chronologies-accepted-dates

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Dating periods in BugsCEP need checking #1

Open visead opened 4 years ago

visead commented 4 years ago

TPeriod in BugsCEP has missing dates and needs all other dates checking. Francesca will check this and learn about prehistory, and we will import this list into BugsCEP for then synchronising into SEAD.

PeriodCODE Period Name Type Description Reference Geographical relevance Begin Date (oldest) BP/BC/AD End Date (newest) BP/BC/AD Years type
? unknown/not given Other No data             ?
Anglian Anglian Geological =MIS-12;Cold Bowen 1999 UK 478000 BP 423000 BP Radiometric
Arab Arab Archaeological From beginning of Arab conquest of Eastern Mediterranean to fall of Ottoman Empire   Eastern Mediterranean 632 AD 1918 AD Calendar
AS Anglo-Scandinavian Archaeological Early medieval   UK 800 AD 1100 AD Calendar
BA Bronze Age Archaeological     UK 2500 BP 600 BC Calendar
BS-Al Alleröd Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone II Bell & Walker (2005)   12000 BP 10500 BP C14
BS-At Atlantic Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone VI-VIIa Bell & Walker (2005)   7000 BP 5000 BP C14
BS-Bo Boreal Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone V Bell & Walker (2005)   9500 BP 7000 BP C14
BS-OD Older Dryas Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone I Bell & Walker (2005)   10500 BP 10000 BP C14
BS-PB Pre-Boreal Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone IV Bell & Walker (2005)   10000 BP 9500 BP C14
BS-SA Sub-Stlantic Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone VIII Bell & Walker (2005)   2500 BP 0 BP C14
BS-SB Sub-Boreal Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone VIIb Bell & Walker (2005)   5000 BP 2500 BP C14
BS-YD Younger Dryas Blytt-Sernander Pollen Zone III Bell & Walker (2005)   10500 BP 10000 BP C14
Byzantine Byzantine Archaeological Eastern Mediterranean from fall of Rome to Ottoman conquest of Constantinople   Eastern Mediterranean 410 AD 1450 AD Calendar
Chelford Chelford Geological ? MIS-5c Interstadia Bowen 1999 UK     58000 BP Calender
Cromerian Cromerian Geological MIS-13 Interglacial Bowen 1999 UK     478000 BP Radiometric
Devensian Devensian Geological = Weichselian;MIS-5d to MIS-2 Bowen 1999 UK 122000 BP 10000 BP C14
DimlingtonSt Dimlington Stadial Geological MIS2 Bowen 1999 UK 26000 BP 13000 BP C14
EBA Early Bronze Age Archaeological General Early Bronze Age without regional definition             Calendar
Edev Early Devensian Geological     UK         Calender
Eemian Eemian Geological MIS 5e;Interglacial Bowen 1999   128000 BP 110000 BP Radiometric
EH Early Holocene Geological Pollen Zone IV-VI     10000 BP 7000 BP C14
EH-MH Early to Mid Holocene Geological Early to Mid Holocene     10000 BP 5000 BP C14
EPleist Early Pleistocene Geological MIS 23-13     2400000 BP     Radiometric
ERom Early Roman Archaeological Early Roman without regional definition              
ESaxon Early Saxon Archaeological Saxon (England)   UK 410 AD 700 AD Calendar
EW Early Weichselian Geological = MIS-5d - 4 Mannion (1997)   122000 BP 45000 BP C14
EWolst Early Wolstonian Geological MIS-8 to ?;End date?;Approx dates (max range)   UK 302000 BP     C14
Flandrian Flandrian Geological = Holocene;Interglacial Bell & Walker (2005) UK 10000 BP 0 BP C14
GraecoRom Graeco-Roman Archaeological     Eastern Mediterranean 500 BC 400 AD Calendar
Hist Historical Archaeological     World 2000 BP 0 BP C14
Holocene Holocene Geological MIS 1; Interglacial Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 10000 BP 0 BP Calendar
Hoxnian Hoxnian Geological = MIS-9 and 11 undifferentiated Mitchell et al. (1973) UK 428000 BP 302000 BP C14
InterG Interglacial Geological Interglacial of uncertain age              
Ipswichian Ipswichian Geological =MIS- 5e - 7 undifferentiated;Warm;Approx date (max range);Interglacial Mitchell et al. (1973) UK 132000 BP 122000 BP C14
Iron Iron Age Archaeological     UK 650 BC 50 AD Calender
LBA Late Bronze Age Archaeological Early Late Bronze Age without regional definition             Calendar
LBA/EIA Late BA/Early IA Archaeological Late Braonze Age/Early Iron Age             Calendar
LBronze Late Bronze Age UK Archaeological     UK 1000 BC 650 BC Calendar
LG Lateglacial Geological Pollen Zones I-III Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 13500 BP 10000 BP C14
LGI Lateglacial Interstadial Geological Pollen Zones I-II Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 12500 BP 11500 BP C14
LGS Lateglacial Stadial Geological Pollen Zone III; Younger Dryas Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 11500 BP 10000 BP C14
LH Late Holocene Geological Pollen Zones VIIb-VIII Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 5000 BP 0 BP C14
LIron Late Iron Age UK Archaeological     UK 250 BC 43 AD Calendar
LL Loch Lomond Geological Cold = Lateglacial Stadial = PZ-III Bell & Walker (2005) UK 11500 BP 10000 BP C14
LMed Late Medieval UK Archaeological     UK 1450 AD 1600 AD Calendar
LRoman Late Roman UK Archaeological     UK 250 AD 400 AD Calendar
LRoman/ASax Late Roman/Anglo-Saxon Arochaeological Late Roman/Anglo-Saxon   UK 250 AD 1066 AD Calender
MBA Middle Bronze Age Archaeological General Middle Bronze Age without regional definition             Calendar
MD Middle Devensian Geological =MIS-3   UK 50000 BP 25000 BP C14
Med Medieval Archaeological     Europe 400 AD 1550 AD Calendar
Med-PostMed Medieval to post medieval Archaeological Medieval to post medieval.   Europe 400 AD 2000 AD Calendar
Meso Mesolithic Archaeological     Europe 10000 BP 5000 BP C14
MH Mid Holocene Geological = Pollen Zone VIIa     7000 BP 5000 BP C14
Mid-Devensian Mid-Devensian Geological = mid-Weichselian;MIS-3   UK 122000 BP 10000 BP C14
MIS-01 Oxygen Isotope Stage 1 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Flandrian;=Holocene Mannion (1997)   10000   0 BP C14
MIS-02 Oxygen Isotope Stage 2 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-03 Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-04 Oxygen Isotope Stage 4 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-05 Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-05a Oxygen Isotope Stage 5a Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=UWI Mannion (1997)       70000 BP C14
MIS-05b Oxygen Isotope Stage 5b Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-05c Oxygen Isotope Stage 5c Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Chelford Mannion (1997)            
MIS-05d Oxygen Isotope Stage 5d Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-05e Oxygen Isotope Stage 5e Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Ipswichian;Approx dates (max range) Mannion (1997)   132000 BP 122000 BP C14
MIS-06 Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-07 Oxygen Isotope Stage 7 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Marsworth? Mannion (1997)   245000 BP 186000 BP C14
MIS-08 Oxygen Isotope Stage 8 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-09 Oxygen Isotope Stage 9 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Hoxnian;Approx dates (max range) Mannion (1997)   440000 BP 302000 BP C14
MIS-10 Oxygen Isotope Stage 10 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-11 Oxygen Isotope Stage 11 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Swanscombe Mannion (1997)   423000 BP 0 BP C14
MIS-12 Oxygen Isotope Stage 12 Oxygen Isotope Stage =Anglian Mannion (1997)   478000 BP 423000 BP C14
MIS-13 Oxygen Isotope Stage 13 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Cromerian Mannion (1997)       478000 BP C14
MIS-14 Oxygen Isotope Stage 14 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-14/15 Oxygen Isotope Stage 14/15 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-15 Oxygen Isotope Stage 15 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Waverly Wood Mannion (1997)            
MIS-16 Oxygen Isotope Stage 16 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-17 Oxygen Isotope Stage 17 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-18 Oxygen Isotope Stage 18 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-19 Oxygen Isotope Stage 19 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-20 Oxygen Isotope Stage 20 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-21 Oxygen Isotope Stage 21 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-22 Oxygen Isotope Stage 22 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
MIS-23 Oxygen Isotope Stage 23 Oxygen Isotope Stage                
Mking Middle Kingdom Archaeological     Egypt          
Modern Modern Other       1900 AD 0 BP Calendar
MPleist Middle Pleistocene Geological MIS 12-8             C14
Neo Neolithic Archaeological       5000 BP 4000 BP C14
NewKingdom New Kingdom Archaeological Egyptian New Kingdom   Egypt 1350 BC 1330 BC Calendar
Old Kingdom Old Kingdom Archaeological Egypt     3500 BC 2500 BC Calendar
Palaeo Palaeolithic Archaeological           10000 BP C14
Pleisto Pleistocene Geological MIS 23-2     2580000 BP 10000 BP Calendar
Plio Pliocene Geological       5333000 BP 2580000 BP Calendar
PostMed Post Medieval Archaeological       1550 BP 2000 AD Calendar
PostRom Post-Roman Archaeological Used for sites outside the areas of 'Saxon' settlement in E England   UK 400 AD 700 AD Calender
Pre-Columbian Pre-Columbian Archaeological Records of Palaearctic or Holoarctic spp in the New World before the arrival of Columbus.   New World     1492 AD Calender
preLandnam pre-Landnam Archaeological Pre Landnam ash in Iceland   Iceland 10000 BP 868 AD Calendar
Ptol Ptolemaic Archaeological Egypt post Alexander, pre-Roman     323 BC 50 BC Calendar
PZ-I Pollen Zone I Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   12000 BP 10500 BP C14
PZ-II Pollen Zone II Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   12000 BP 10500 BP C14
PZ-III Pollen Zone III Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   10500 BP 10000 BP C14
PZ-IV Pollen Zone IV Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   10000 BP 9500 BP C14
PZ-V Pollen Zone V Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   9500 BP 9000 BP C14
PZ-VI Pollen Zone VI Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   9000 BP 7000 BP C14
PZ-VIIa Pollen Zone VIIa Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   7000 BP 5000 BP C14
PZ-VIIa/b Pollen Zone VIIa/b Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   7000 BP 2500 BP C14
PZ-VIIb Pollen Zone VIIb Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   5000 BP 2500 BP C14
PZ-VIII Pollen Zone VIII Pollen Zone Godwin's Zones Bell & Walker (1992)   2500 BP 0 BP C14
Recent Recent Historical Modern collection data     1900 AD 2050 AD Calendar
Roman Italia Roman Italy Archaeological Roman Italy   Italy 250 BC 410 AD Calendar
RomanF Roman Gallia Archaeological Roman France   France 60 BC 450 AD Calendar
RomanG Roman Germania Archaeological Roman Germany   Germany 56 BC 450 AD Calendar
RomanUK Roman Britannia Archaeological Roman Britain   UK 43 AD 410 AD Calendar
Sarqaq Sarqaq Archaeological Sarqaq Eskimo hunter-gatherer sites in Greenland     2500 BC 500 BC Calendar
Saxon Saxon Archaeological Saxon (England)   England 410 AD 1066 AD Calendar
Spanish adobe Spanish adobe Archaeological Post Columbian North & Central America     1492 AD 1850 AD Calendar
UWI Upton Warren Geological = MIS-5a;Interstadial?   UK     70000 BP C14
Viking Viking Archaeological       800 AD 1100 AD Calendar
W Weichselian Geological MIS-5d to MIS-2     122000 BP 10000 BP C14
Windermere Windermere Geological Warm;Interstadial Jones & Keen (1993) UK 13000 BP 11000 BP C14
Wolst Wolstonian Geological MIS-8 to MIS-6;Approx dates (max range)     302000 BP 186000 BP C14
Wurm Wurm Geological = Weichselian             C14
visead commented 2 years ago

Updated in BugsCEP from Bugsdata v11.0 (2020/06/14) as follows:

PeriodCODE Period Name Type Description Reference Geography Begin BP etc End BP etc Years type
? unknown/not given Other No data

Anglian Anglian Geological Equivalent to MIS-12; Cold Bowen 1999 UK 478000 BP 423000 BP Calendar
Arab Arab Archaeological From beginning of Arab conquest of Eastern Mediterranean to fall of Ottoman Empire
Eastern Mediterranean 632 AD 1918 AD Calendar
AS Anglo-Scandinavian Archaeological Early medieval, British Isles
UK 800 AD 1100 AD Calendar
BA Bronze Age Britain Archaeological Archaeological period typified by the use of bronze (either produced or obtained through trade) for the British Isles
UK 2500 BC 600 BC Calendar
BS-Al Alleröd Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Interstadial (warmer period within a cold period), equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone II Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 12000 BP 10500 BP C14
BS-At Atlantic Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Warm, moist, Holocene thermal maximum, equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone VI-VIIa Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 7000 BP 5000 BP C14
BS-Bo Boreal Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Cool, dry, temperature increasing over time, equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone V Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 9500 BP 7000 BP C14
BS-OD Older Dryas Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Stadial (cold), equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone I Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 10500 BP 10000 BP C14
BS-PB Pre-Boreal Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Cool, equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone IV Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 10000 BP 9500 BP C14
BS-SA Sub-Stlantic Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Temporate, present day climate, equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone VIII Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 2500 BP 0 BP C14
BS-SB Sub-Boreal Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Warm, dry, equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone VIIb Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 5000 BP 2500 BP C14
BS-YD Younger Dryas Geological Blytt-Sernander climate period. Stadial (cold), equivalent to Godwin's Pollen Zone III Bell & Walker (2005) Northern Europe 10500 BP 10000 BP C14
Byzantine Byzantine Archaeological Eastern Mediterranean from fall of Rome to Ottoman conquest of Constantinople
Eastern Mediterranean 410 AD 1450 AD Calendar
Chalco Chalcolithic Europe Archaeological The copper age, a transition between use of stone tools and bronze. Aterm more commonly used in Southeastern Europe.
Europe 3500 BC 1700 BC Calender
Chelford Chelford Geological Possibly MIS-5c Interstadial Worsley (2015) UK 96000 BP 87000 BP Calendar
Cromerian Cromerian Geological Initially MIS-13 Interglacial, but now highly debated. Extreme range of 900-400ka included for UK Cromerian complex here, although according to some ~524000 to 47400 BP is more appropriate.
UK 900000 BP 400000 BP Calendar
Devensian Devensian Geological Glacial period. Equivalent to Weichselian in Northern Europe, Würm in the Alpine region; MIS-5d to MIS-2 Bowen 1999 UK 122000 BP 10000 BP Calendar
DimlingtonSt Dimlington Stadial Geological Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), MIS-2 Bowen 1999 UK 26000 BP 13000 BP C14
EBA Early Bronze Age Archaeological General Early Bronze Age without regional definition
World 3500 BC 2100 BC Calendar
EBAUK Early Bronze Age Britain Archaeological Early Bronze Age of the British Isles, variously including the transition from the Neolithic
UK 2500 BC 2000 BC Calender
Edev Early Devensian Geological MIS-5d to MIS-4, British Isles
UK 115000 BP 60000 BP Calendar
Eemian Eemian Geological Interglacial, MIS-5e Bowen 1999 World 128000 BP 110000 BP Calendar
EH Early Holocene Geological Beginning of the current interglacial. Pollen Zone IV-VI
World 10000 BP 7000 BP C14
EH-MH Early to Mid Holocene Geological Early to Mid Holocene
World 10000 BP 5000 BP C14
Eiron Early Iron Age Archaeological Early Iron Age in the British Isles
UK 650 BC 250 BC Calendar
EMesoUK Early Mesolithic Britain Archaeological Early Mesolithic of the British Isles. End date is abstract
UK 9000 BC 7000 BC Calender
EMidRomUK Early-Mid Roman Britainnia Archaeological Early to mid Roman Britain (end date is abstract)
UK 43 AD 300 AD Calendar
EPleist Early Pleistocene Geological MIS 23-13
World 2580000 BP 773000 BP Calendar
ERom Early Roman Archaeological Early Roman without regional definition. Includes Ancient Rome and Kingdom of Rome, and covers the foundation of Rome to the end of the Republic
Europe and Mediterranean 753 BC 27 BC Calendar
ERomUK Early Roman Britainnia Archaeological Early Roman in the British Isles
UK 43 AD 250 AD Calendar
ESaxon Early Saxon Archaeological Early Saxon (England)
UK 410 AD 700 AD Calendar
EW Early Weichselian Geological Equivalent to MIS-5d - MIS-4 Mannion (1997)
122000 BP 45000 BP Calendar
EWolst Early Wolstonian Geological MIS-8 to abstract end date which varies in publications. Approx dates (max range).
UK 302000 BP 200000 BP Calendar
Flandrian Flandrian Geological The Holocene, interglacial Bell & Walker (2005) UK 10000 BP 0 BP C14
GraecoRom Graeco-Roman Archaeological Eastern Mediterranean regions influenced by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Sometimes 'Classical civilisation' or the 'Classical World'
Eastern Mediterranean 500 BC 400 AD Calendar
Hist Historical Archaeological Generalised global historical period, loosely defined to the last 2000 years, ignoring regional variation before or after this date.
World 2000 BP 0 BP Calendar
Holocene Holocene Geological The current Interglacial, MIS-1 Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 10000 BP 0 BP C14
Hoxnian Hoxnian Geological Including MIS-9 and MIS-11, undifferentiated Bowen 1999 UK 428000 BP 302000 BP Calendar
InterG Interglacial Geological Quaternary interglacial of uncertain age (Not possible to date, but indications of warmer fauna)

Ipswichian Ipswichian Geological Including MIS- 5e - MIS-7 undifferentiated; Warm, interglacial; Approx date (max range) Bowen 1999 UK 132000 BP 122000 BP Calendar
Iron Iron Age Archaeological Archaeological period typified by the use of iron (either produced or obtained through trade) in the British Isles. Ends roughly at the start of historical records.
UK 650 BC 50 AD Calendar
LBA Late Bronze Age Archaeological Early Late Bronze Age without regional definition
World 1600 BC 650 BC Calendar
LBA/EIA Late BA/Early IA Archaeological Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, representing transitions of culture and materials use. Of limited use as a chronological definition due to large regional variation.
World 1600 BC 0 BC Calendar
LBronze Late Bronze Age Britain Archaeological Late Bronze Age for the British Isles
UK 1000 BC 650 BC Calendar
LG Lateglacial Geological Cold period after the last Glaciation. Pollen Zones I-III Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 13500 BP 10000 BP C14
LGI Lateglacial Interstadial Geological Warmer interlude during the Lateglacial. Pollen Zones I-II Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 12500 BP 11500 BP C14
LGS Lateglacial Stadial Geological Colder period during the Lateglacial. Pollen Zone III; Younger Dryas Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 11500 BP 10000 BP C14
LH Late Holocene Geological The latter half of the Holocene, not systematically used in publications. Pollen Zones VIIb-VIII Bell & Walker (2005) Europe 5000 BP 0 BP C14
LIron Late Iron Age Britain Archaeological Late Iron Age in the British Isles.
UK 250 BC 43 AD Calendar
LL Loch Lomond Geological Cold, equivalent to the Lateglacial Stadial, Pollen Zone III Bell & Walker (2005) UK 11500 BP 10000 BP C14
LMed Late Medieval Britain Archaeological The latter part of the medieval period (middle ages) in the British Isles, loosely defined
UK 1450 AD 1600 AD Calendar
LNeoNWEuro Late Neolithic NW Europe Archaeological Late Neolithic of Northwestern Europe
Northwestern Europe 3000 BC 1700 BC Calender
LNeoSEEuro Late Neolithic SE Europe Archaeological Late Neolithic of Southeastern Europe
Southeastern Europe 5000 BC 3000 BC Calender
LRoman Late Roman Britain Archaeological The latter part of the Roman period in the British Isles
UK 250 AD 410 AD Calendar
LRoman/ASax Late Roman/Anglo-Saxon Arochaeological Late Roman/Anglo-Saxon in the British Isles, ending with the Norman Conquest
UK 250 AD 1066 AD Calendar
Lweichsel Late Weichselian Geological Larger part of the last glaciation in Europe. Equivalent to Late-Devensian
UK 29000 BP 10000 BP Calendar
MBA Middle Bronze Age Archaeological General Middle Bronze Age without regional definition
World 2100 BC 1600 BC Calendar
MD Middle Devensian Geological Equivalent to MIS-3
UK 50000 BP 25000 BP Calendar
Med Medieval Archaeological The medieval period or middle ages of Europe
Europe 400 AD 1550 AD Calendar
MedGreen Medieval Greenland Archaeological From the Norse colonisation of Greenland until the reformation
North Atlantic 989 AD 1550 AD Calender
MedIce Medieval Iceland Archaeological From the settlement of Iceland until the reformation
North Atlantic 868 AD 1550 AD Calender
Med-PostMed Medieval to post medieval Archaeological Medieval to post medieval Europe
Europe 400 AD 2000 AD Calendar
Meso Mesolithic Archaeological Middle Stone Age of Europe. Archaeological evidence of use of predominantly stone tools. Definition and timing varies regionally, but generally represented by hunter-gatherer cultures which developed in the warming temperatures after the last galciation.
Europe 11500 BP 5000 BP Calendar
MH Mid Holocene Geological Generally defined middle of the current interglacial. Pollen Zone VIIa
World 7000 BP 5000 BP C14
Mid-Devensian Mid-Devensian Geological Larger part of the last glaciation in the British Isles. Equivalent to mid-Weichselian; MIS-3
UK 122000 BP 29000 BP Calendar
MidLRomUK Mid-Late Roman Britainnia Archaeological Mid to Late Roman Britain (start date is abstract)
UK 200 AD 410 AD Calendar
MigScand Migration Period Scandinavia Archaeological Scandinavian Migration Period, when wandering Germanic groups spread through Europe. Price 2015 Scandinavia 400 AD 800 AD Calender
MIS-01 Oxygen Isotope Stage 1 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm, equivalent to Holocene and Flandrian Wikipedia 2020 World 11700 BP 0 BP Calendar
MIS-02 Oxygen Isotope Stage 2 Oxygen Isotope Stage Cold Wikipedia 2020 World 29000 BP 11700 BP Calendar
MIS-03 Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 57000 BP 29000 BP Calendar
MIS-04 Oxygen Isotope Stage 4 Oxygen Isotope Stage Cold Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 71000 BP 57000 BP Calendar
MIS-04-03 Oxygen Isotope Stage 4-3 Oxygen Isotope Stage Dated to somewhere between Oxygen Isotope Stages 4 to 3. Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 71000 BP 29000 BP Calendar
MIS-05 Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 130000 BP 71000 BP Calendar
MIS-05-03 Oxygen Isotope Stage 5-3 Oxygen Isotope Stage Dated to somewhere between Oxygen Isotope Stages 5 to 3. Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 130000 BP 29000 BP Calendar
MIS-05a Oxygen Isotope Stage 5a Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=UWI Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 82000 BP 70000 BP Calendar
MIS-05b Oxygen Isotope Stage 5b Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 87000 BP 82000 BP Calendar
MIS-05c Oxygen Isotope Stage 5c Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Chelford Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 96000 BP 87000 BP Calendar
MIS-05d Oxygen Isotope Stage 5d Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 109000 BP 96000 BP Calendar
MIS-05e Oxygen Isotope Stage 5e Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Ipswichian;Approx dates (max range) Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 132000 BP 109000 BP Calendar
MIS-06 Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 191000 BP 130000 BP Calendar
MIS-07 Oxygen Isotope Stage 7 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Marsworth? Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 243000 BP 191000 BP Calendar
MIS-08 Oxygen Isotope Stage 8 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 300000 BP 243000 BP Calendar
MIS-09 Oxygen Isotope Stage 9 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Hoxnian;Approx dates (max range) Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 337000 BP 300000 BP Calendar
MIS-10 Oxygen Isotope Stage 10 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 374000 BP 337000 BP Calendar
MIS-11 Oxygen Isotope Stage 11 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Swanscombe Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 424000 BP 374000 BP Calendar
MIS-12 Oxygen Isotope Stage 12 Oxygen Isotope Stage Cold; =Anglian Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 478000 BP 424000 BP Calendar
MIS-13 Oxygen Isotope Stage 13 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Cromerian Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 534000 BP 478000 BP Calendar
MIS-14 Oxygen Isotope Stage 14 Oxygen Isotope Stage Cold Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 563000 BP 534000 BP Calendar
MIS-14/15 Oxygen Isotope Stage 14/15 Oxygen Isotope Stage MIS 14 or 15 Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 621000 BP 534000 BP Calendar
MIS-15 Oxygen Isotope Stage 15 Oxygen Isotope Stage Warm;=Waverly Wood Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 621000 BP 563000 BP Calendar
MIS-16 Oxygen Isotope Stage 16 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 676000 BP 621000 BP Calendar
MIS-17 Oxygen Isotope Stage 17 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 712000 BP 676000 BP Calendar
MIS-18 Oxygen Isotope Stage 18 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 761000 BP 712000 BP Calendar
MIS-19 Oxygen Isotope Stage 19 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 790000 BP 761000 BP Calendar
MIS-20 Oxygen Isotope Stage 20 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 814000 BP 790000 BP Calendar
MIS-21 Oxygen Isotope Stage 21 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Lisiecki & Raymo (2005) World 866000 BP 814000 BP Calendar
MIS-22 Oxygen Isotope Stage 22 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Head & Gibbard (2005) World 880000 BP 870000 BP Calendar
MIS-23 Oxygen Isotope Stage 23 Oxygen Isotope Stage
Head & Gibbard (2005) World 900000 BP 880000 BP Calendar
Mking Middle Kingdom Archaeological Egyptian Middle Kingdom
Egypt 2125 BC 1550 BC Calendar
Modern Modern Other Present day, geologically and archaeologically speaking
World 1900 AD 0 BP Calendar
MPleist Middle Pleistocene Geological MIS-12 - MIS-8
World 478000 BP 243000 BP Calendar
Neo Neolithic Archaeological The New Stone Age, starting with the introduction of agriculture and ending with the development of metallurgy in the Bronze Age. Acultural period, and so much regional variation in the dating.
Northwest Europe 4500 BC 1700 BC Calendar
NeoSEEuro Neolithic SE Europe Archaeological Neolithic of Southeastern Europe
Southeastern Europe 7000 BC 3000 BC Calender
NewKingdom New Kingdom Archaeological Egyptian New Kingdom
Egypt 1350 BC 1330 BC Calendar
Old Kingdom Old Kingdom Archaeological Egyptian Old Kingdom
Egypt 3500 BC 2500 BC Calendar
Palaeo Palaeolithic Archaeological The Old Stone Age, from the first stone tools until the end of the last glaciation
World 3300000 BP 11500 BP Calendar
Pleisto Pleistocene Geological From the start of the Quaternary to the Beginning of the Holocene. MIS 23-2
World 2580000 BP 11500 BP Calendar
Plio Pliocene Geological Geological Epoch immediately preceding the Quaternary Period
World 5333000 BP 2580000 BP Calendar
PostMed Post Medieval Archaeological From the end of the medieval period until the present day. Some variation in the start and end exists.
Europe 1550 AD 0 BP Calendar
PostRom Post-Roman Archaeological Used for sites outside the areas of 'Saxon' settlement in Eastern England
UK 400 AD 700 AD Calendar
Pre-Columbian Pre-Columbian Archaeological Records of Palaearctic or Holoarctic spp in the New World before the arrival of Columbus but after initial human colonisation
New World 40000 BP 1492 AD Calendar
preLandnam pre-Landnam Archaeological Pre Landnam ash in Iceland. Sediments dated to before tephra commonly associated with human settlement and after the final ice retreat after the Younger Dryas.
Iceland 11200 BP 868 AD Calendar
Ptol Ptolemaic Archaeological Egypt post Alexander, pre-Roman
Egypt 323 BC 50 BC Calendar
PZ-I Godwin Pollen Zone I Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone I. Lower Dryas (Salix herbacea) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 12000 BP 10500 BP C14
PZ-II Godwin Pollen Zone II Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone II. Allerod (Birch) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 12000 BP 10500 BP C14
PZ-III Godwin Pollen Zone III Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone III. Upper Dryas (Salix herbacea) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 10500 BP 10000 BP C14
PZ-IV Godwin Pollen Zone IV Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone IV.Pre-boreal (Birch (Pine)) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 10000 BP 9500 BP C14
PZ-V Godwin Pollen Zone V Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone V. Boreal (Hazel, Birch, Pine) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 9500 BP 9000 BP C14
PZ-VI Godwin Pollen Zone VI Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone VI. Boreal (Pine, Hazel) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 9000 BP 7000 BP C14
PZ-VIIa Godwin Pollen Zone VIIa Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone VIIa. Atlantic (Alder, Oak, Elm, Lime) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 7000 BP 5000 BP C14
PZ-VIIa/b Godwin Pollen Zone VIIa/b Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone VIIa or VIIb Bell & Walker (1992) UK 7000 BP 2500 BP C14
PZ-VIIb Godwin Pollen Zone VIIb Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone VIIb. Sub-boreal (Alder, Oak, Lime (Elm decline)) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 5000 BP 2500 BP C14
PZ-VIII Godwin Pollen Zone VIII Pollen Zone Godwin's pollen zone VIII. Sub Atlantic (Alder, Birch, Oak (Beech)) Bell & Walker (1992) UK 2500 BP 0 BP C14
Recent Recent Historical Modern collection data (pitfall traps, hunting, collecting etc.)
World 1900 AD 0 BP Calendar
Roman Italia Roman Italy Archaeological Roman Italy
Italy 250 BC 410 AD Calendar
RomanF Roman Gallia Archaeological Roman France
France 60 BC 450 AD Calendar
RomanG Roman Germania Archaeological Roman Germany
Germany 56 BC 450 AD Calendar
RomanUK Roman Britannia Archaeological Roman Britain
UK 43 AD 410 AD Calendar
RomIAScand Roman Iron Age Scandinavia Archaeological Scandinavian Roman Iron Age Price 2015 Scandinavia 1 AD 400 AD Calender
Sarqaq Sarqaq Archaeological Sarqaq Eskimo hunter-gatherer sites in Greenland
Greenland 2500 BC 500 BC Calendar
Saxon Saxon Archaeological Saxon (England)
England 410 AD 1066 AD Calendar
Spanish adobe Spanish adobe Archaeological Post Columbian North & Central America
New World 1492 AD 1850 AD Calendar
UWI Upton Warren Geological MIS-5a; Possibly interstadial?
UK 38000 BP 50000 BP Calendar
Viking Viking Archaeological The Viking Age (note that regional and diciplinary variation in the use of the term exists)
World 800 AD 1100 AD Calendar
W Weichselian Geological MIS-5d to MIS-2
World 122000 BP 10000 BP C14
Windermere Windermere Geological Warm; Interstadial Jones & Keen (1993) UK 13000 BP 11000 BP C14
Wolst Wolstonian Geological MIS-8 to MIS-6; Approx dates (max range)
UK 302000 BP 186000 BP Calendar
Wurm Wurm Geological Equivalent to Weichselian and Devensian in the Alpine region
World 115000 BP 11700 BP Calendar
visead commented 2 years ago

Probably needs re-importing into SEAD...?