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20191219_DML_METHODS_UPDATE: Methods missing record type #28

Closed roger-mahler closed 4 years ago

roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

87 records in tbl_methods lack record_type. All data related to these methods will be filtered out from SEAD Query API reporting queries since all facet tables are inner joined.

visead commented 4 years ago

Update tbl_methods.record_type_id as follows (taken from sead_staging_tng)

method_id biblio_id date_updated description method_abbrev_or_alt_name method_group_id method_name record_type_id unit_id
74   2013-04-08 12:29:53.216862+00 Measurement of total phosphate content through citric acid extraction and photospectrometer citPtot 2 Total phosphates citric acid 12  
94   2013-04-08 12:30:07.673027+00 Amount of phosphates. Standard method using HCL instead of citric acid. P°HCL 2 Phosphate degrees HCL 12  
32   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 An evaluation of the proportion of organic matter present in a sample, measured by comparing pre-burnt and post-burnt sample weights. Standard method: LOI 2 Loss on ignition 12  
33   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 A measurement of the ability of a sample to retain an induced magnetic field. MS 2 Magnetic susceptibility 12  
35   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 A measurement of the ability of a sample to retain a low frequency induced magnetic field. MS-lo 2 Magnetic susceptibility (Low frequency) 12  
36   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 A measurement of the ability of a sample to retain a high frequency induced magnetic field. MS-hi 2 Magnetic susceptibility (High frequency) 12  
38   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Carbon-14 dating. C14 AMS 3 C14 Accelerator dating 19  
39   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 Conventional Carbon-14 dating. C14 3 C14 Conventional 19  
37   2012-09-21 16:51:47.967181+00 Amount of phosphates. Standard method: Inorganic phosphate content. Extraction by citric acid (2%). Based on Arrhenius and further developed by EAL. The amount of phosphate is specified as mg P2O5/100g dry soil. P° 2 Phosphate degrees 12  
106   2013-05-13 09:29:56.070308+00 Bartington MS2 & MS2D 2 MS loop 12  
151   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Conventional Carbon-14 dating. Uncalibrated dates. C14 Std 3 C14 Conventional 19 7
97   2012-12-19 13:17:57.905393+00 Soil horizon classification according to strict International Soil Reference and Information Center (ISRIC) guidelines. ISRIC horizons 18 ISRIC soil horizons 11  
100   2012-12-19 13:25:50.185307+00 Soil horizon calssification according to Goldberg & Macphail (2006) Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology. Variation and simplification of ISRIC system. Goldberg & Macphail horizons 18 Goldberg & Macphail soil horizons 11  
98   2012-12-19 13:23:47.320504+00 Soil horizon classification according to strict Food and Argriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) guidelines. and for more detailed descriptions. FAO horizons 18 FAO soil horizons 11  
101   2012-12-19 14:20:49.611005+00 Soil horizons given without any specified classification system. Undefined system horizons 18 Soil horizons by undefined system 11  
154   2014-07-04 14:24:52.417266+00 Argon39-Argon 40 radiometric dating Ar39-Ar40 3 Argon39-Argon40 19  
127   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined by comparison of pollen flora with reference data. A number of standard regional pollen zones have been determined through the compilation and zonation of multiple pollen profiles. Zonation is general achieved through the identification of significant changes in fauna (e.g. from birch to pine dominated), either manually or through cluster analysis. PollenZone 19 Pollen Zonation 19 7
128   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined by comparison of pollen flora with reference data. A number of standard regional pollen zones have been determined through the compilation and zonation of multiple pollen profiles. Zonation is general achieved through the identification of significant changes in fauna (e.g. from birch to pine dominated), either manually or through cluster analysis. ArchPerCal 19 Archaeological period calendar years 19 8
129   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined to an archaeological period defined in 14C years. This is a bulk method for numerous techniques for assigning a deposit to a particular cultural period, where the period boundaries have been defined by radiocarbon dating. More specific method details should preferably be given as to how the date has been derived, but may not be available. ArchPerC14 19 Archaeological period C14 years 19 7
130   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined to historical period. More specific method details should preferably be given as to how the date has been derived, but may not be available. HistPer 19 Historical Period 19 8
131   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined to geological period defined in calendar years. More specific method details should preferably be given as to how the date has been derived, but may not be available. GeolPerCal 19 Geological calendar period 19 8
132   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined to geological period defined in C14 years. More specific method details should preferably be given as to how the date has been derived, but may not be available. GeolPerC14 19 Geological C14 period 19 7
133   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determined to geological period defined by radiometric methods but not necessarily radiocarbon (e.g. U-series). More specific method details should preferably be given as to how the date has been derived, but may not be available. GeolPerRadio 19 Geological radiometric period 19 15
134   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating through strategraphic association, placing the sediment (and enclosed artefacts) in the context of geological layers of known or unknown age. Strat(Geol) 19 Stratigraphic (Geological) 19 15
135   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by relation to volcanic ash layer of a known calendar age. TephraCal 20 Tephrochronology Calendar 19 8
136   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by relation to volcanic ash layer dated by radiocarbon. TephraC14 20 Tephrochronology C14 19 7
137   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by artefact typology with calendar date. The form, design and material of an artefact may allow it to be placed in the context of a known sequence of artefact characteristics (a typological sequence). This allows it to be dated through the assumption that the typologies are correctly and independently dated. There is a slight danger or circular reasoning is the constraints of independent dating are not rigourously enforced, and a tendency for typologies to persist even if evidence suggests that there may be problems. TypoCal 19 Artefact typology (calendar years) 19 8
138   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by artefact typology with radiometric date. The form, design and material of an artefact may allow it to be placed in the context of a known sequence of artefact characteristics (a typological sequence). This allows it to be dated through the assumption that the typologies are correctly and independently dated. There is a slight danger or circular reasoning is the constraints of independent dating are not rigourously enforced, and a tendency for typologies to persist even if evidence suggests that there may be problems. TypoRadio 19 Artefact typology (radiometric years) 19 15
139   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Unspecified dating method leading to an archaeological date in calendar years. ArchCal 20 Other archaeological dating 19 8
140   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 A sequence of radiocarbon dates may be compared with variation in the C14 calibration curve, and dates nudged so that they align with the curve. The method requires a sequence to be tightly dated and may be especially useful around flatter parts of the calibration curve. User discretion is required. Wiggle 20 Wiggle matching of 14C dates 19 8
141   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating method which relies on the predictable growth pattern of some lichen species. Some lichens (e.g. Rhizocarpon geographicum) exhibit colonisation, linear growth and non-linear phases of growth. By calibrating sizes against surfaces of known age (e.g. buildings, grave stones) it is possible to guage the age of exposure of a surface through the sizes of the lichens growing on it. A number of variations exist in terms of how to measure. The method has been applied to historical and archaeological remains as well as to geological features such as erosion surfaces and raised beaches. Lichen 20 Lichenometry 19 8
142   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Calendar years derived by unknown or unspecified method. UnknownCal 20 Calendar date by unknown method 19 8
143   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Derivation of calendar date by reference to  geological processes, features or events (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake). GeolCal 20 Geologically derived calendar date 19 8
144   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating based on historical documentation. HistCal 20 Historical Records 19 8
145   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Unspecified dating method. UnknownOther 21 Other date by unknown method 19 15
146   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 U234/U238 3 U-Series U234/U238 19 15
147   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 U-Series 3 Uranium-Series (general) 19 15
148   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by a radiocarbon method, the details of which are not provided in the publication or supporting material. C14 Unspec. 3 Radiocarbon (14C Unspecified) 19 7
149   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating by an unspecified radiometric method (information missing in publication). UnknownRadio 3 Radiometric date by unknown method 19 7
152   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determination based on the post-mortem decay (or racemization/epimerization) of amino acids in fossils. The method has primarily been used to date shells, and less sucessfully on bone, teeth and wood under some conditions. AAR 3 Amino Acid Racemization 19 15
153   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Age determination by radiocarbon on humic substances extracted by pretreatment of sediments (e.g. peat, colluvium). A number of method variations are applied, aimed at dating different fractions of the sample (as opposed to the bulk dating of organic matter), including: humic acid fraction (alkali soluble) and humin fraction (alkali insoluble). Modern dates are generally determined through AMS, but older dates may have been aquired through standard counting. C14 Humous 3 C14 dating of humic substances in sediment 19 7
155   2014-07-13 22:00:00+00 Period based dating method leading to a range of potential archaeological dates in unspecified years. ArchPer 20 Archaeological period (unspecified) 19 15
156   2018-05-02 12:13:47.999285+00 Age determined to geological period using undefined (or possibly multiple) method(s). GeolPer 19 Geological period (unspecified) 19  
150   2014-04-17 05:56:03.101+00 Dating using the release of stored energy properties of (mainly sonte) material previously exposed to the sun. TL 22 Thermoluminescence 19 15
159   2019-11-03 12:16:24.809745+00 Calendar years date provided by the calibration of a radiocarbon age. Exact dating method unspecified. Cal 20 Calibrated radiocarbon date (method unspecified) 19 8
163   2019-11-03 12:16:24.809745+00 Calendar years date provided by calibration of an AMS radiocarbon age. CalAMS 20 Calibrated AMS radiocarbon date 19 8
visead commented 4 years ago

All nulls should be set to Unknown record type

roger-mahler commented 1 year ago

Resolved in 20191219_DML_METHODS_UPDATE