Closed visead closed 4 years ago
This script, added as 20191212_DML_UPDATE_SAMPLE_ALT_REFS
must be included as a post-action in the Bugs Import Checklist.
do $$
insert into tbl_alt_ref_types (alt_ref_type_id, alt_ref_type, description)
values (9, 'Bugs sample code', 'Unique identifier for (physical) samples in the BugsCEP database')
on conflict do nothing;
insert into tbl_sample_alt_refs (alt_ref, physical_sample_id, alt_ref_type_id)
select bugs_identifier, sead_reference_id, 9
from bugs_import.bugs_trace b
where bugs_table = 'TSample'
on conflict (sample_alt_ref_id) do update
set alt_ref = excluded.alt_ref,
physical_sample_id = excluded.physical_sample_id;
exception when sqlstate 'GUARD' then
raise notice 'ALREADY EXECUTED';
end $$;
Solved by 47be10278e2cc5840a9e272ae38b40364ca4b0e2.
Note that this fix (for the time being) must be executed after each Bugs import.
Fixed added to 20191213_BUGS_IMPORT_POST_APPLY
This CR has been archived.
Deprecates CR to enable a clean import in 202312 release.
In BugsCEP, unique identifier for a sample is TSample.SampleCODE. This is stored in bugs_trace during import but not stored in the main SEAD database. SampleCODE needs storing in SEAD as: tbl_sample_alt_refs.alt_ref with type "Database identifier" (new alt_ref_type)
This is needed for tracing samples through SEAD to Bugs, for example when Francesca creates a matrix of all insect samples.