Open visead opened 4 years ago
Quality control query in bugsdata.mdb created 20200219 to count records in each table
SELECT [Name], DCount("","[" & [Name] & "]") AS RecCount FROM MSysObjects WHERE Type=1 AND [Name] Not Like "Msys" ORDER BY 1
result at 20200219_16:30:
Name | RecCount |
BuildVersionBugsdata | 22 |
INDEX | 11245 |
TAttributes | 11962 |
TBiblio | 6351 |
TBiology | 37578 |
TbirmBEETLEdat | 15696 |
TCountry | 5 |
TCountsheet | 1465 |
TDatesCalendar | 2042 |
TDatesMethods | 47 |
TDatesPeriod | 7679 |
TDatesRadio | 1368 |
TDatesTypes | 4 |
TDistrib | 41119 |
TEcoBugs | 9057 |
TEcoDefBugs | 22 |
TEcoDefGroups | 6 |
TEcoDefKoch | 125 |
TEcoKoch | 17224 |
TFossil | 193054 |
TFossilUncertainty | 0 |
TINDEXReplacements | 1072 |
TKeys | 429 |
TLab | 235 |
TLookupCountsheetContext | 5 |
TLookupCountsheetTypes | 4 |
TLookupMonths | 12 |
TLookupUncertaintyType | 6 |
TMCRNames | 436 |
TMCRSummaryData | 436 |
TPeriods | 122 |
TRDB | 2187 |
TRDBCodes | 27 |
TRDBSystems | 3 |
TSample | 7940 |
TSeasonActiveAdult | 9907 |
TSite | 1316 |
TSiteOtherProxies | 1129 |
TSiteRef | 2027 |
TSpeciesAssociations | 962 |
TSynonym | 6872 |
TSynonymNotes | 0 |
TTaxoNotes | 10392 |
Bugsdata record count 2020/03/20 09:25 Added new value: All tables | 405246
Name | RecCount |
BuildVersionBugsdata | 22 |
INDEX | 11247 |
TAttributes | 12025 |
TBiblio | 6364 |
TBiology | 37601 |
TbirmBEETLEdat | 15696 |
TCountry | 5 |
TCountsheet | 1468 |
TDatesCalendar | 2044 |
TDatesMethods | 47 |
TDatesPeriod | 7680 |
TDatesRadio | 1368 |
TDatesTypes | 4 |
TDistrib | 41133 |
TEcoBugs | 9057 |
TEcoDefBugs | 22 |
TEcoDefGroups | 6 |
TEcoDefKoch | 125 |
TEcoKoch | 17224 |
TFossil | 194954 |
TFossilUncertainty | 0 |
TINDEXReplacements | 1072 |
TKeys | 429 |
TLab | 235 |
TLookupCountsheetContext | 5 |
TLookupCountsheetTypes | 4 |
TLookupMonths | 12 |
TLookupUncertaintyType | 6 |
TMCRNames | 436 |
TMCRSummaryData | 436 |
TPeriods | 122 |
TRDB | 2187 |
TRDBCodes | 27 |
TRDBSystems | 3 |
TSample | 7979 |
TSeasonActiveAdult | 9907 |
TSite | 1319 |
TSiteOtherProxies | 1132 |
TSiteRef | 2031 |
TSpeciesAssociations | 962 |
TSynonym | 6877 |
TSynonymNotes | 0 |
TTaxoNotes | 11973 |
All tables | 405246 |
Bugsdata record count 2020/06/14 Added new value: All tables | 408728 Major updates to TPeriod and dating evidence for >40 sites. Every valid period should now have a date range.
Name | RecCount |
BuildVersionBugsdata | 24 |
INDEX | 11276 |
TAttributes | 12029 |
TBiblio | 6422 |
TBiology | 37990 |
TbirmBEETLEdat | 15696 |
TCountry | 5 |
TCountsheet | 1484 |
TDatesCalendar | 2213 |
TDatesMethods | 50 |
TDatesPeriod | 7731 |
TDatesRadio | 1376 |
TDatesTypes | 4 |
TDistrib | 41630 |
TEcoBugs | 9061 |
TEcoDefBugs | 22 |
TEcoDefGroups | 6 |
TEcoDefKoch | 125 |
TEcoKoch | 17236 |
TFossil | 196899 |
TFossilUncertainty | 0 |
TINDEXReplacements | 1072 |
TKeys | 429 |
TLab | 236 |
TLookupCountsheetContext | 6 |
TLookupCountsheetTypes | 4 |
TLookupMonths | 12 |
TLookupUncertaintyType | 6 |
TMCRNames | 436 |
TMCRSummaryData | 436 |
TPeriods | 139 |
TRDB | 2187 |
TRDBCodes | 27 |
TRDBSystems | 3 |
TSample | 8158 |
TSeasonActiveAdult | 9907 |
TSite | 1330 |
TSiteOtherProxies | 1141 |
TSiteRef | 2049 |
TSpeciesAssociations | 967 |
TSynonym | 6895 |
TSynonymNotes | 0 |
TTaxoNotes | 12009 |
Create a quality control system that can be run when needed, primarily for when new data is imported or when system changes. Include: Record counts on key tables - before and after event