humlab-sead / sead_change_control

Sane SEAD change control using Sqitch.
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SEAD @2020.03 release (DATABASE) DONE! #74

Closed roger-mahler closed 4 years ago

roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Included change requests



Other things to note

No BugsCEP import this month.


roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Update/lock current version of SEAD change control system

Make sure you have an up-to-date version of the SEAD repositories sead_change_control. Run git clone if you haven't checked out the the repository before, or update the code using git pull

% mkdir -p ~/source && cd ~/source
% git clone
roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Archive current production database

% --source sead_production --target sead_production_202002
roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Add release tag to Sqitch database versioning plans

Freeze deployment by adding tag @2020.03 to all Sqitch plans (for each subfolder xyz) to be included in the release (this can also be done manually by editing the .plan files):

% ./ tag --tag @2020.03 --plan-file ./general/sqitch.plan --note "2020 March release"
% ./ tag --tag @2020.03 --plan-file ./sead_api/sqitch.plan --note "2020 March release"
roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Create a new staging database

% ./ --source sead_production --target sead_staging --force --sync-sequences
roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Deploy pending changes to staging

See SEAD @2020.03 release milestone.

roger@seadserv:~/source/sead_change_control$ ./ deploy --target staging -C ./general
Deploying changes to staging
  + 20191222_DML_DATASET_SUBMISSION_UPDATE ......... ok
  + 20200422_DML_MAL_QOS_UPDATE_02 ................. ok
  + 20200422_DML_MAL_TAXA_SP_SPP_QOS_UPDATE ........ ok
  + 20200422_UPDATE_BUGS_REFERENCES_YEAR @2020.03 .. ok

roger@seadserv:~/source/sead_change_control$ ./ deploy --target staging -C ./sead_api
Deploying changes to staging
  + 20200203_DDL_ADD_DOMAIN_TABLE .............. ok
  + 20200120_DML_ADD_DOMAIN_FACETS ............. ok
  + 20200203_DML_ADD_DOMAIN_ASSOCS ............. ok
  + 20200422_DML_FACET_GRAPH_REROUTE @2020.03 .. ok
roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Add release tag to SEAD change control repository

roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Inform quality assurance team that a new version is ready for acceptance

[x] Inform the quality assurance team the the system is ready for acceptance testing [x] Wait for GO/NOGO from QAT.

roger-mahler commented 4 years ago

Deploy to production

$ ./ --source sead_staging --target sead_production  --force --allow-production