humlab-sead / sead_clearinghouse

SEAD ClearingHouse
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Transfer dendrochronolgy archeology data to public schema #36

Closed roger-mahler closed 5 years ago

roger-mahler commented 5 years ago

Transfer and commit data:

./deploy_submission.bash --id=2 --dbname=sead_staging_tng --add-ccs-task --deploy-ccs-task
roger-mahler commented 5 years ago


Submission type: Dendro_ARKEO
notice: storing data in 20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_analysis_entities (2200 rows, using 137378 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_dataset_contacts (2200 rows, using 1979 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_datasets (2200 rows, using 19392 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_dataset_submissions (4775 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_dendro (2907 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_dendro_date_notes (41 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_dendro_dates (597 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_features (190 rows, using 1832 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_physical_sample_features (497 rows, using 4834 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_physical_samples (395 rows, using 40683 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_projects (31 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_alt_refs (635 rows, using 9788 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_descriptions (260 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_group_notes (47 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_groups (169 rows, using 3672 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_locations (45 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_location_type_sampling_contexts (7 rows, using 2 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_notes (42 rows, using 5381 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sample_types (1 rows, using 15 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_site_locations (99 rows, using 7171 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_site_references (27 rows, using 3900 as first id )
NOTICE:  UPDATING: tbl_sites (18 rows, using 2869 as first id )
NOTICE: Adding CCS task to /home/roger/dev/sead_change_control...
WARNING! Cloning temporary git repo
Cloning into 'sead_change_control'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 606, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (606/606), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (432/432), done.
remote: Total 606 (delta 256), reused 518 (delta 170), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (606/606), 572.45 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (256/256), done.
Already up-to-date.
Created deploy/20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT.sql
Created revert/20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT.sql
Created verify/20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT.sql
Added "20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT" to sqitch.plan
./deploy_submission.bash: line 262: deploy_ccs_task: command not found
roger-mahler commented 5 years ago

Actual deploy to staging-tng:

sqitch tag @v0.2 20190624_DML_SUBMISSION_DENDRO_ARKEO_002_COMMIT --plan-file ./general/sqitch.plan --note "Dendro archeology dataset commit"
sqitch deploy --target staging-tng --to @v0.2 -C ./general