hummingbot / dashboard

Application that helps you create, backtest, deploy, and manage Hummingbot instances
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PMM - Binance Connector not working as it should - stuck after few hours #162

Open PKBO opened 1 month ago

PKBO commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Hello, i have an issue on PMM. Tested multiple times with mirror changes, but everytime bot will end with stucked orders without cancelling them by timelimit or so. Error log says not enought budget to open position, but bot is started with 5% reserve on both sides and it has amount needed to maintain initial number of orders.

Config: buy_amounts_pct:

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Set PMM with low spread (3+3 / 4+4 per side)
  2. Let it run and wait few hours, or till some big movements.
rapcmia commented 1 month ago

hi @PKBO im running a bot with almost same setup and will try to reproduce. Would it be possible to share any of your log files as well to help investigate? thank you

rapcmia commented 1 month ago

Ran a bot for 2hrs 30mins using the attached config (modified since i dont have that much amount to use 😅 )


candles_config: []
connector_name: binance
controller_name: pmm_simple
controller_type: market_making
cooldown_time: 300.0
executor_refresh_time: 180.0
id: test_issue162
leverage: 1
manual_kill_switch: null
position_mode: HEDGE
- 0.25
- 0.25
- 0.0006
- 0.0009
- 0.25
- 0.25
- 0.0006
- 0.0009
stop_loss: 0.008
take_profit: 0.0004
take_profit_order_type: 2
time_limit: 300
total_amount_quote: 50
trading_pair: NOT-USDT
  activation_price: 0.018
  trailing_delta: 0.002

Log file:

PKBO commented 1 month ago

On my side, it is able to run even 10 hours, but when market volatility becomes higher, than it will happen. Even if it has 6 orders on place and some free budget on both sides.. Try to run it for longer period :-)

rapcmia commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the reply, I tried to run same controller config and connector but with different market pair over the weekend not able to reproduce this issue. Ill be using the same market as your config and will see any diff overnight 🙏🏼

See attached logs for config and log file:

rapcmia commented 1 month ago

Test update:

However I think its not related to connector but the controller config itself, I have around 20% of reserve to tests it with few more hours. Also found a bug which might be the cause of the issue to imbalance the assets found here perhaps we can close this ticket and proceed with thank you

PKBO commented 1 month ago

Hi, i tried it with folowing config with exactly same result, but way faster (tried to use order type 3).. Not enought budget error after few minutes. Timelimit not applied, as one TP (limit maker) is on place 20minutes together with partialy filled limit.

Dashboard - Instances also shows only 2 trades and 0 placed liquidity, even when a lot of trades were done. not enought

Started with 900 USDT distributed 50/50.


time_limit: 300 total_amount_quote: 800 trading_pair: BIFI-USDT trailing_stop: activation_price: 0.018 trailing_delta: 0.002

2024-07-28 19:13:07 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:07 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388d757c6fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722193986.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388d757c6fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:10 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:10 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:10 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:10 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538905c701fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722193988.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538905c701fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:12 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:12 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:12 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:12 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389278a08fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722193991.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389278a08fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:14 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:14 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:14 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:14 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538943abaffb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722193993.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538943abaffb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:16 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:19 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:19 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:19 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e53896b4527fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722193997.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e53896b4527fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:21 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:21 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:21 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:21 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389ac1079fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194000.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389ac1079fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:23 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:23 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:23 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:23 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389cb1c85fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194002.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389cb1c85fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:25 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:28 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:28 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:28 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389f30851fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194006.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5389f30851fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:30 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:30 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:30 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:30 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538a336622fb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194009.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538a336622fb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:13:32 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT sell order: price: 326.5762500000000000067914425 amount: 0.6154612433562511303815762591.

2024-07-28 19:13:32 - Error submitting sell LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61500000 BIFI-USDT 326.50000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:13:32 - Failed to submit SELL order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:13:32 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538a521e4cfb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194011.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e538a521e4cfb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:14:07 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: The SELL order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388572550fb01 amounting to 0.23000000/0.60900000 BIFI has been filled.

2024-07-28 19:14:15 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: The SELL order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388572550fb01 amounting to 0.53600000/0.60900000 BIFI has been filled.

2024-07-28 19:14:17 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: The SELL order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388572550fb01 amounting to 0.60900000/0.60900000 BIFI has been filled.

2024-07-28 19:14:17 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: SELL order x-XEKWYICXSBIUT61e5388572550fb01 completely filled.

2024-07-28 19:14:17 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT buy order: price: 326.1868249999999999966032379 amount: 0.6100950739637572689302674785.

2024-07-28 19:14:17 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT buy order: price: 326.0236499999999999932064759 amount: 0.6165044311221652423885333200.

2024-07-28 19:14:17 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Created LIMIT BUY order x-XEKWYICXBBIUT61e538d0a9b19fb01 for 0.61000000 BIFI-USDT.

2024-07-28 19:14:20 - Error submitting buy LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61600000 BIFI-USDT 326.00000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}

2024-07-28 19:14:20 - Failed to submit BUY order to Binance. Check API key and network connection.

2024-07-28 19:14:20 - hummingbot.connector.client_order_tracker: Order x-XEKWYICXBBIUT61e538d0a9fcefb01 has failed. Order Update: OrderUpdate(trading_pair='BIFI-USDT', update_timestamp=1722194059.0, new_state=<OrderState.FAILED: 6>, client_order_id='x-XEKWYICXBBIUT61e538d0a9fcefb01', exchange_order_id=None, misc_updates=None)

2024-07-28 19:14:23 - hummingbot.strategy.script_strategy_base: Creating BIFI-USDT buy order: price: 326.0236499999999999932064759 amount: 0.6165044311221652423885333200.

2024-07-28 19:14:23 - Error submitting buy LIMIT order to Binance for 0.61600000 BIFI-USDT 326.00000000. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 452, in _create_order await self._place_order_and_process_update(order=order, *kwargs,) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 469, in _place_order_and_process_update exchange_order_id, update_timestamp = await self._place_order( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/exchange/binance/", line 198, in _place_order order_result = await self._api_post( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 867, in _api_post return await self._api_request(args, **kwargs) File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/connector/", line 906, in _api_request request_result = await rest_assistant.execute_request( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 47, in execute_request response = await self.execute_request_and_get_response( File "/home/hummingbot/hummingbot/core/web_assistant/", line 100, in execute_request_and_get_response raise IOError(f"Error executing request {} {url}. HTTP status is {response.status}. " OSError: Error executing request POST HTTP status is 400. Error: {"code":-2010,"msg":"Account has insufficient balance for requested action."}