hummingly / ics

A Rust library for creating iCalendar files as specified in RFC5545 and RFC7986
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impl From<chrono::DateTime<Utc>> for DtStart, DtEnd, DtStamp #17

Open Cxarli opened 3 years ago

Cxarli commented 3 years ago

It would be very cool if you could do

use ics::{Event, properties::*};
use chrono::prelude::*;

let start = Utc::now();
let end = start + Duration::hours(1);

let mut event = Event::new("Some test event", start);

I can understand it if you don't always want to include the chrono dependency for this, but a non-default feature would also be nice.

Since ical's date format does not seem very standard, it doesn't have a conversion function built-in in chrono, meaning you have to do the following yourself:

fn dt_to_ical(dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> String {
        // .format is lazy, so you have to wrap it again inside `format!` to get an actual String
    format!("{}", dt.format("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"))
// ...
event.push(DtStart::new(dt_to_ical(start)); // etc

Given that chrono is a pretty popular crate for datetimes, this does not feel very smooth.

hummingly commented 3 years ago

A long time ago I planned to have a typed API but my priorities have shifted, so I usually have barely any time for this crate :/

That said there are a few gotchas but I think it should be feasible to add some support behind a feature flag without a lot of work.

My proposal is to support TryFrom impl for DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Date and NaiveDate for properties with date values.

Tell me what you think!