hundehausen / monero-suite

Build your personal docker-compose.yml file for Monero services.
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P2P over tor #8

Open Unkn8wn69 opened 3 months ago

Unkn8wn69 commented 3 months ago

Hey, I wanted to suggest an addition to monerosuite that is quite crucial. When tor is enabled the config doesn't add anonymous-inbound parameter, which tells monero to let other nodes to sync over tor. This is a very important thing in monero since we want as many nodes to also do p2p over tor and not only have their RPC relayed via a hidden service. Via this measure more nodes will be doing p2p over tor, so in case monero gets banned in some country it is still resilient through onion nodes.


Should be added.

And for the tx-proxy its recommended to pass the flag disable_noise:


SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 3 months ago

Is disable_noise still recommended?

Unkn8wn69 commented 3 months ago

Is disable_noise still recommended?

If you already use tor, dandelion is kind of pointless. It'll also speed up the broadcast.

SamsungGalaxyPlayer commented 3 months ago

It's more efficient to disable noise, but it's my understanding that it also makes it easier to see when you're sending transactions over Tor. I might be mistaken though; it's been a while since I investigated this. CC @vtnerd

vtnerd commented 3 months ago

If Tor/I2P is being used exclusively for sending transactions, an ISP spy only has to filter out 1 p2p message type via packet timing analysis to identify when your node is sending a transaction. If --proxy is used, an ISP spy has to filter out block notifications too, but realistically this probably isn't too difficult. I did a packet capture to see how difficult this would be, and it seemed plausible, but I also never wrote software to test my thesis on the difficulty.

If Tor/I2P is being used for other unrelated traffic (web, etc), it likely is too complicated to filter out transaction messages.

hundehausen commented 3 months ago

Hey everybody, thank you for discussing this topic. anonymous-inbound would make sense to set, but I don't know how I could get the address into the docker-compose file, before the tor-proxy container started the first time and created the onion address. Any ideas on how to achieve this, so even beginner users can handle this?