hundehausen / monero-suite

Build your personal docker-compose.yml file for Monero services.
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grafana not starting #9

Open DiCE1904 opened 3 months ago

DiCE1904 commented 3 months ago

Good day, First want to thanks for the tools to spin up a node quickly. Went to try this one but unfortunately got stuck twice. First the bash script wouldn't complete on installing docker so had to do that one manually than just copy and paste the rest of the bash script to terminal.

2nd is that after that was done the docker compose keeps not completing grafana and it wont start. Not sure why but here is the error message for it

⠋ Container grafana Starting 23.0s ✔ Container prometheus Started 0.0s Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/root/monitoring/grafana/grafana.ini" to rootfs at "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini": mount /root/monitoring/grafana/grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

Then it just stops. Help would be appreciated. Thanks again!

hundehausen commented 3 months ago

Hey @DiCE1904

The bash side of monero suite is not really meant to be run in a script, but more like copy & paste line by line in your terminal. Can you try that?

monero-love commented 3 months ago

I'm getting the same output from Grafana,

logger=provisioning.alerting t=2024-03-21T22:18:08.197884077Z level=error msg="can't read alerting provisioning files from directory" path=/etc/grafana/provisioning/alerting error="open /etc/grafana/provisioning/alerting: no such file or directory"

DiCE1904 commented 3 months ago

@hundehausen Did get grafana working properly doing what you said and doing it line by line. However it does seem like I have a new issue with the 3 monero ones. They look like they are in a constant state of restarting themselves between 1-7min. Is this normal?

monero-wallet-rpc sethsimmons/simple-monero-wallet-rpc:latest "/ --da…" monero-wallet-rpc 15 hours ago Restarting (1) 46 seconds ago

moneroblock sethsimmons/moneroblock:latest "moneroblock --bind …" moneroblock 15 hours ago Up About a minute (health: starting)>31312/tcp

monerod sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest "/ --rp…" monerod 15 hours ago Up About a minute (health: starting)>18080/tcp,>18084/tcp,>18089/tcp

hundehausen commented 3 months ago

Hey @DiCE1904

I guess the autoheal container is too aggressive and restarts your containers. Is monerod fully synced?

If not, try not to start autoheal container until the sync has reached 100 %

DiCE1904 commented 3 months ago

@hundehausen thought about it being a sync issue possible too. I still got another 1k blocks to go until 100% will report back

Edit After everything synced the reloading stop and everything is working great. Thank you! Donation sent. Hopefully some i2p support in the future?

Edit2 actually, looks like the RPC one keeps restarting. Using the clearnet IP info in my wallet it either won't connect or tosses this error when I try and send coin "was rejected by daemon with status: Failed. Reason: double spend"

how do I not start autoheal like you mentioned?