Type: Impediment
keep scroll position on navigate back
[1] View list of item A[]
[2] Scroll to item A[10]
[3] Click on A[10] to navigate to detail page
[4] Click back button to navigate back to the list page
[5] scroll position is restored to A[0] instead of A[10]
[6] End
Developer may use $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(0) function this configure will force ionic to not to cache any view.
$ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(3);// force ionic to cache previous 3 views
Type: Impediment Descriptions: keep scroll position on navigate back Preproduction: [1] View list of item A[] [2] Scroll to item A[10] [3] Click on A[10] to navigate to detail page [4] Click back button to navigate back to the list page [5] scroll position is restored to A[0] instead of A[10] [6] End Reason: Developer may use
function this configure will forceionic
to not to cache any view. Solutions: $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(3);// forceionic
to cache previous 3 viewsRef: [0] scroll-position-on-back [1] Scroll position on back #439