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threading aware question #70

Open hung-doan opened 5 years ago

hung-doan commented 5 years ago
  1. What is the different between Thread & Task ?
  2. What is the different between Thread & Process ?
  3. What is the thread pool ?
  4. Why do we need thread pool ?
  5. How many threads are too many ?
  6. Are threads reusable by many tasks ?
  7. About hardware processors, What is different the between physical core vs logical core ?
  8. What is non I/O blocking ?
  9. What is the different between: DoSomeThingAsync().Wait vs await DoSomeThingAsync ?
  10. In Web application, why using await/async gave us more request/sec ?
  11. Why await/async will use up more memory than not using them ?
  12. What is context switch ?
  13. What is thread switch ?
  14. What is the different between I/O threads & worker threads ?
  15. What is the different between asynchronous & multi-threading ?
  16. What is the different between Paralell programming & concurrent programming ?