hunglc007 / tensorflow-yolov4-tflite

YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0, Android. Convert YOLO v4 .weights tensorflow, tensorrt and tflite
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yolov4-tiny to tensorflow lite #413

Closed abhi-84 closed 2 years ago

abhi-84 commented 2 years ago

Hi all

Is it possible to convert yolov4-tiny model to tflite? With given instruction, yolov4-tiny can be converted to TensorFlow:

_python --weights ./data/yolov4-tiny.weights --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-tiny-416 --inputsize 416 --model yolov4 --tiny

But when I am trying to convert it to tflite using the following, it throws an error!

_python --weights ./data/yolov4.weights --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-416 --inputsize 416 --model yolov4 --framework tflite

Error: File "", line 49, in save_tf utils.load_weights(model, FLAGS.weights, FLAGS.model, FLAGS.tiny) File "/home/abhishek/Documents/tensorflow-yolov4-tflite-master/core/", line 63, in load_weights conv_weights = conv_weights.reshape(conv_shape).transpose([2, 3, 1, 0]) ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 379318 into shape (256,256,3,3)

I am interested to reduce the size of yolo-tiny by converting it to tflite. Is that possible?

abhi-84 commented 2 years ago

I followed this and it worked! I am ablr to convert ti int8 format and able able to detect my test image.

I was able to convert to int8 format smoothly using @murdockhou post but during the detection phase, I was faced a few issues! I am just listing them here with the solution with the hope it may help someone.

Take care of 3 things for successful conversion and detection:

  1. No change in core/ except this line. Here you update your class file name. In my case, it is "data.names" __C.YOLO.CLASSES = "./data/classes/data.names"

  2. After appending code in as mentioned in the post and using int8 optimized model version, it may throw an error about "decode not found". Thus in the header, include decode: "from core.yolov4 import decode"

  3. Add --tiny flag at end of detect command: "python --weights ./checkpoints/yolov4-tiny-416-int8.tflite --size 416 --model yolov4 --image ./data/test1.jpeg --framework tflite --tiny". Use your own test image!

abhi-84 commented 2 years ago

2. appending code in as mentioned in th

In one more situation, this error might appear during When one of thr options is either wrong or typo in "--" sign as "-" in the following command: _python --weights ./data/yolov4-tiny-custom_final.weights --output ./checkpoints/yolov4-tiny --inputsize 224 --model yolov4 --tiny

KuoEuran commented 2 years ago

@abhi-84 Hi, can you convert the yolov4-tiny with separable convolution layer in dakrnet? tks