Open chimengqiaoyu opened 2 months ago
Try the updated code and use env variables like
export PGMPI_PARAMS="--module=allgather=alg:allgather_as_gather_bcast"
mpirun -np 2 ./mympicode
With OSU, you can try the following:
~/osu-micro-benchmarks-7.4$ PGMPI_PARAMS="--module=allreduce=alg:allreduce_as_reducescatter_allgatherv" LD_PRELOAD=../pgmpitunelib-private/lib/ srun -N2 --ntasks-per-node=2 ./c/mpi/collective/blocking/osu_allreduce -m 2
Thank you for your reply!! I will try it and keep following up
Dear Developer,
I am encountering some issues while using PGMPITuneLib for MPI optimization and would appreciate your guidance.
When I compile my MPI program with
and specify the PGMPITuneLib option on the command line when running the mpi program, such as:the program runs and the specified algorithm is used.
However, when I try to run OSU Micro-Benchmarks with similar PGMPITuneLib options, I receive an error.
I get the following error message:
This is the case when there is no --module option:
Could you please advise on how to apply PGMPITuneLib optimizations when running OSU Micro-Benchmarks?I am not familiar with the detailed tuning process of PGMPITuneLib.Is there a recommended method to allow OSU benchmarks to recognize these command-line options, or should I use a different approach, such as a specific configuration file to control the tuning strategies?
Thank you very much for your assistance!