huntabyte / cmdk-sv

cmdk, but for Svelte ✨
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Option to not select the entire input text on open? #68

Open MadeInPierre opened 3 months ago

MadeInPierre commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am trying to implement multiple "modes" based on /commands. Some commands will use the default search algorithm while others have their own. Hence, I have a shoudFilter reactive variable that decides which modes should disable the default search:

<Command.Dialog bind:open {shouldFilter} loop>
        placeholder="Search or type '/' for commands"
        autofocus={false} <!-- This prop has no effect-->

        <Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>

        {#if commandMode === CommandMenuMode.DEFAULT}
            <CommandModeDefault {runCommand} {setCommandMode} {inputValue} />
        {:else if commandMode === CommandMenuMode.SEARCH_ITEMS}
            <CommandModeSearchItems {runCommand} {inputValue} />

First of all, the shouldFilter behavior has no effect so I had to add a key:

{#key shouldFilter}
    the previous code

However, the entire component is of course rebuilt and this selects the entire input text, which is annoying for the user as they were expecting to continue typing (e.g. /command something etc...).

I noticed an autofocus prop in the CommandInput.svelte which I tried to set (see the first code block) but it has no effect.

Am I setting this option wrong or is there something to fix? Thank you!

huntabyte commented 3 months ago

Hey @MadeInPierre, are you able to create a minimal repro using StackBlitz so I can take a closer look at the behavior you're describing? Thank you!