huntabyte / shadcn-svelte

shadcn/ui, but for Svelte. ✨
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Add big warning in docs that installing shadcn-svelte will overwrite existing Tailwind Config #1040

Closed patagoniapy closed 1 month ago

patagoniapy commented 1 month ago

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I installed shdacn-svelte to an existing project and soon thereafter I noticed my existing styling was broken. It wasn't until after a lot of troubleshooting that I realized it had completely overwritten my existing tailwind.config.ts.

It's very possible I missed a warning in the CLI or the docs, but I've looked through both since and can't seem to find a reference to the behavior of overwriting the existing tailwind.config.ts.

huntabyte commented 1 month ago

It warns you in the CLI and you have to confirm.