huntabyte / shadcn-svelte

shadcn/ui, but for Svelte. ✨
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Export `action` in components for custom events #422

Open justind000 opened 7 months ago

justind000 commented 7 months ago

Describe the feature in detail (code, mocks, or screenshots encouraged)

I was adding in addResizedColumns to the Data Table and needed to pass use:props.resize to the Table.Head component. <Table.Head {...attrs} use:props.resize>. This gives an error, "Actions can only be applied to DOM elements, not componentssvelte(invalid-action)".

To fix it, I modified table-head.svelte to this:

<script lang="ts">
    import { cn } from "$lib/utils";
    import type { HTMLThAttributes } from "svelte/elements";

    type $$Props = HTMLThAttributes;

    let className: $$Props["class"] = undefined;
    export let action = () => {};
    export let actionParams = undefined;
    export { className as class };

<th use:action={actionParams}
        "h-12 px-4 text-left align-middle font-medium text-muted-foreground [&:has([role=checkbox])]:pr-0",
    <slot />

Now you can pass props.resize like so: <Table.Head {...attrs} action={props.resize}>

SMUI and I'm assuming others, do something similar to this for all the components.

What type of pull request would this be?

New Feature

Provide relevant links or additional information.

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huntabyte commented 7 months ago

I think this is definitely something we can/should do!

huntabyte commented 7 months ago

My initial thoughts are we want this to be type-safe and flexible. I think taking inspiration from SMUI is a good idea to see how they handle it. It appears as though they accept an array of actions, but I need to investigate further how they go about handling/typing the params in that way.

We could also accept a single action, since actions are just functions, you can apply multiple "actions" within a single action, for example:

import externalAction from 'wherever'

function myCustomAction(node) {
    const actReturn = externalAction(node)
    return {
        destroy() {
            if (actReturn?.destroy) {
Carlos-err406 commented 4 months ago

i would like to contribute on this if thats ok @huntabyte

edit: i also think is worth looking at the smui approach

huntabyte commented 4 months ago

How do you plan to implement/type this and how will updates to the actions be handled?

Carlos-err406 commented 4 months ago

How do you plan to implement/type this and how will updates to the actions be handled?

i was planning on doing some proof of concept first regarding the types, im aware that typesafety is a must

regarding the update i was going to ask for guidance on the discord channel but links are expired but my idea was on updating component per component

Carlos-err406 commented 4 months ago

@huntabyte i was just checking on this issue and of course i tried first to add an action to the Button component

this is the shadcn-svelte Button

<script lang="ts">
    import { Button as ButtonPrimitive } from "bits-ui";
    import { cn } from "$lib/utils";
    import { buttonVariants, type Props, type Events } from ".";

    type $$Props = Props;
    type $$Events = Events;

    let className: $$Props["class"] = undefined;
    export let variant: $$Props["variant"] = "default";
    export let size: $$Props["size"] = "default";
    export let builders: $$Props["builders"] = []; //<----------
    export { className as class };

    {builders} //<------------
    class={cn(buttonVariants({ variant, size, className }))}
    <slot />

and this builder prop catched my eye so i digged into it a little the type Builder is an object with an action attribute and this action is of type { Action } from "svelte/action"

in this case the shadcn-svelte Button is taking a Builder array so its possible to pass actions to the component... just not by using use:

<script lang="ts">
    import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button";
    const myAction = (node: HTMLElement) => {
        console.log({ node });

<Button builders={[{ action: myAction }]}>Hello world</Button>

or pass extra arguments

<script lang="ts">
    import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button";
    interface ExtraArgs {
        a?: string;
        b?: boolean;
    const myAction = (node: HTMLElement, { a = "", b }: ExtraArgs) => {
        console.log({ node, a, b });

<Button builders={[{ action: (node) => myAction(node, { a: "This is an extra", b: true }) }]}>
    Hello world

though i think there could be an implementation to use the use directive or at least as a prop, this works for the meantime

Carlos-err406 commented 4 months ago

some components like <Card> (and card slots) dont use bits-ui, are just styled divs and maybe adding it to those components is a start?