hunterjm / ac-infinity-hacs

Custom Integration for AC Infinity Controllers
MIT License
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Automation for Temperature #10

Open dagrah opened 6 months ago

dagrah commented 6 months ago

AC.txt Dont know where to put this Thread, so here it is. Feel free to move like you wish.

I createt an automation based on the temperature (like in the official app). Humidity will be added in the future. Here is my example and i hope this will help someone. (For 22°C and below = Fan Level 1 /// For every +1°C = Fan Level + 1)

alias: ALIAS description: "" trigger:

If you don´t want to flood your logbook, you should exlude it with the exclude argument in the configuration.yaml

logbook: exclude: entities:

EDIT: I´m to dumb for creating post with the right format, so please see the ac.txt file. Sorry for that.

jpoet commented 1 month ago

What mode does the AC Infinity need to be in to allow HA to control the fan speed? As far as I can tell, HA is able read the state of the AC Infinity, but not change it.