hunterjm / ac-infinity-hacs

Custom Integration for AC Infinity Controllers
MIT License
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Fan speed percentage value fluctuating #13

Open Kulturnilpferd opened 2 months ago

Kulturnilpferd commented 2 months ago

Hey there, first of all thank you for this awesome addition to HA I LOVE it! One thing I have recognized with a 69 Pro is that the fan speed variable is fluctuating. I have set the thing to 1 speed value per degree so that it automatically switches between speeds on the controller. HA should just record these settings. The controller itself is always only on 10%-20% at these time but strangtely jumps on the speed percentage reading up to 70% and then back to the "real" value. On the controller display the fan speed is not going up to 7 or 70%, very strange:


Kulturnilpferd commented 2 months ago

I have made a workaround template, only when it got to 70 and the temperature is on 30 °C the 70% will be displayed (as set up in my controller settings) otherwise it will not read the value. But would be really awesome to find out what or why it got the wrong 70% value in first place...

{% if state_attr('fan.controller_69_pro_fan','percentage')|int(0) == 70 %}
  {% if states('sensor.controller_69_pro_temperature')|int(0) == 30 %}
    {{ state_attr('fan.controller_69_pro_fan','percentage')|int(0) }}
  {% else %}
    {{ none }}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {{ state_attr('fan.controller_69_pro_fan','percentage')|int(0) }}
{% endif %}
Kulturnilpferd commented 2 months ago

Have written with AC Infinity support because the values are also fluctuating on the display itself. They told me to send them a screenshot. After I send them they say simply that fluctuations will not be harmful and that was it. Would be really awesome if someone could crack this device open for an opensource firmware alternative, because the stock firmware it is absolutely utter sh...