hunterjm / ac-infinity-hacs

Custom Integration for AC Infinity Controllers
MIT License
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Fan Speed not working also Turn off/on function not working #9

Open Axelf-alex opened 7 months ago

Axelf-alex commented 7 months ago

Hello @hunterjm

Thanks for the amazing integration but having some issues. I have a 69 BLE only Controller Home Assistant Recognised the device gives me correct temparature/humidity reading and also when fan is running via the app it recognises its running and speed.

The issue is when trying to controller it via the integration it's not responding. I have turned off bluetooth on my phone and deleted any in app automatiosn but no luck on that. When I try to run the fan via Home Assistant its saying failed to update or not making any changes at all. For example if the fan is off in app: will show off in HA but then I try to turn it ON in HA and flips on its own back off and vice versa. With the speed its the same so the problem is that its reading the state data but fails to push the speed and state and update the controller.

I am happy to provide any logs but will need some help on where to grab them.

Thank you in advance

dagrah commented 7 months ago

For me it works this way: Set your controller to ON (via app or directly on the controller) Close/Kill the app(task) on your phone At this moment your fan should interact with your HA Commands.

Axelf-alex commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately I tried this too and just tried it just in case but it’s not working. Don’t know if there is an issue if the BLE adapter is a ESP32, if there was an issue I believe nothing would work, which in this case I have some functionality. Thank you for your advise tho.

tsaro commented 4 months ago

I'm having the same issue here with btle gateways via esphome, getting temp/humidity telemetry from the unit and can see if its on/off and the speed but I get an error in HA, "Failed to call service fan/turn_off unknown error. "

flamedodger commented 4 months ago

I'm having the same issue here with btle gateways via esphome, getting temp/humidity telemetry from the unit and can see if its on/off and the speed but I get an error in HA, "Failed to call service fan/turn_off unknown error. "

Have you turned your BT to active scanning?

tsaro commented 4 months ago

Have you turned your BT to active scanning?

Thanks for the quick reply, I am using active scanning, I did notice that the bluetooth icon flashes on and off repeated when I'm testing, I do have multiple esp devices with gateway enabled in range of this device, I wonder if that could be a factor.

    active: true

  active: true
Thund3r1 commented 1 month ago

Have you turned your BT to active scanning?

Thanks for the quick reply, I am using active scanning, I did notice that the bluetooth icon flashes on and off repeated when I'm testing, I do have multiple esp devices with gateway enabled in range of this device, I wonder if that could be a factor.

    active: true

  active: true

Having the same issue, did you ever find a fix?