hunterjm / futgui

FIFA Auto Buyer GUI
73 stars 24 forks source link

Bid cycle is working but no bid #150

Open quaresmaa opened 7 years ago

quaresmaa commented 7 years ago

firstly sorry for my fluent english.

I've got problem after halloween cards.

I can't offer players but i'm sure my autobuyer is working cuz after this issues i logged my my account on web app and try to bid players, and i saw i can offer player. After log my autobuyer again. My AB can see my last offer on web app and it listed card after the auction won.

My bid cycle is increasing but AB can't offer players..Command window doesn't say anything too. Like this. (staying allday allnight) 2016-10-26 10:51:41 Set Bid Options... 2016-10-26 10:51:42 Started bidding...

btw i dont want to search scream cards just gold cards. Please help me boys

lifez commented 7 years ago

same here Yesterday is working fine

Ahzumer commented 7 years ago

Same here. Bot snipes very rarely since a couple of days... i have the feeling its not working like its supposed to .

quaresmaa commented 7 years ago

Com'on guys help us :(

Autobuyer can sell cards if i bought player before to join AB but cant see "new bid"

gala2000 commented 7 years ago

same here:(((