When adding a MouseOverHandler in order to display a popup with the details of
the appointment (as showed in the example here:
http://code.google.com/p/gwt-cal/wiki/HandlingEvents), it is supposed to show
the popup every time the user cursor is over an appointment.
The problem is that it only does it the first time the mouse is over the
appointment, and not the following times.
I found the problem, it is caused by the line 472 in
The logic here is that the popup is only displayed when the appointment hovered
is different from the last hovered, BUT if the user only has one appointment it
is always the same one... So the mouse over handler listener gets called only
I hope I'm being clear enough. In any case feel free to contact me at
PS. Thanks for this great component.
PS2. My current work around is to add this line at the end of the onMouseOver
method of the MouseOverHandler implementation:
calendar.fireMouseOverEvent(new Appointment(), null);
Original issue reported on code.google.com by darchit...@gmail.com on 1 Mar 2011 at 5:37
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 1 Mar 2011 at 5:37