hunyadi / entity-relationship-diagram

Visualizes entity relationships in an interactive diagram
MIT License
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How do I use this? #2

Open mmkal opened 1 month ago

mmkal commented 1 month ago

Possibly related to #1

This looks very interesting! But I don't see how it's supposed to be used. The example html references js/erdiagram.min.js and #1 mentions it's a generated file, but it's not there on npm:

Maybe the project needs to be bundled before (re-)publishing to npm?

(Also, I noticed npm is listed as a dependency - is that a mistake?)

I imagine the rest wouldn't be too hard to figure out but if there's a guide somewhere I'd be keen to read it (i.e. what happens when we reference the erdiagram.min.js script, what global variables are set, etc.)

hunyadi commented 1 month ago

I must have made a mistake when publishing to npm, I am definitely not an expert in the Node world. Internally, we pull, compile and publish the project directly from the repository.

I don't think I have a guide yet, but you can take at a real-world setup as an example. The entities and relationships are defined in a separate file, which exports the variable EntityRelationshipGraph. This is the only global variable used.