hunzaboy / Ckin-Video-Player

Native Javascript HTML5 Video Player
MIT License
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Full screen playback error #8

Open lyn7113 opened 5 years ago

lyn7113 commented 5 years ago

When playing full-screen, the mouse will not hide, and the time progress bar will not hide, affecting viewing.

jjbabydarling commented 4 years ago

I also think this is a problem. I'd like to make a feature request that if the cursor hovers over the video for 3 seconds then the controls and cursor disappear. That would be great.

Apart from that I'm extremely happy with ckin. It was easier to implement and customise than video.js and plyr. Thumbs up from me.

twobob commented 4 years ago

One could track mouse movement over time giving certain events.

I don't see anyone tracking these issues so probably something like the following pseudo will do it, where one has some function doing a "watch" of the mouses movements and some kind of stateful observation of full-screen state would be needed to initially trigger that watch

// helper to monitor moves it would require activation statefully based on full screen-ness

var mvms = function() {
                jig();  // Helper to actually change the mouse cursor most likely
                timeout = setTimeout(cleanUpTiming, 3000);  // after 3 seconds we could hide it again
// Eh. make it pure JavaScript over jquery but meh
jQuery(document).on('mousemove', mvms()); /*if we are confirmed as full screen then we should show the cursor if wiggled*/

Something like that