huochaitiantang / pytorch-deep-image-matting

Pytorch implementation of deep image matting
294 stars 71 forks source link

License #25

Closed Zarfab closed 4 years ago

Zarfab commented 4 years ago

Hello! I would like to thank you for developping this and sharing your code. As part of my job at University of Mons (UMONS - Belgium), I will need to use your pretrained model and modify some of your scripts. The later goal is to create a deep learning live demo for general public and hopfully raise awareness for new technologies - No comercial use. Do you plan to add a licence to this project? If not, do you let me use and modify your code - with citation of your work? Regards.

PS:As this is quite urgent, could you answser before october 18th please?

huochaitiantang commented 4 years ago

Hi, We do not have the plan to add a license and you can use and modify the code for non-commercial purposes. The training dataset comes from Adobe, so the pre-trained models included in this repository could only be used and distributed for non-commercial purposes too.

Zarfab commented 4 years ago

Perfect! Thanks for your reply.