huoguangjin / MultiHighlight

Jetbrains IDE plugin: highlight identifiers with custom colors 🎨💡
GNU General Public License v3.0
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something cannot match, something not full match, something cannot close #24

Open kaocong opened 2 years ago

kaocong commented 2 years ago


In window webstorm .vue ‘historyUrlList’ cannot match ‘unshift’ not full match 'unshift' 'indexOf' both cannot close

kaocong commented 2 years ago

‘historyUrlList’ maybe no work will with raname, highlight 'otherUrlList '-> raname 'historyUrlList' -> get error

huoguangjin commented 2 years ago

Could you please show the full code sample for me to debug? It seems that IDE could not resole the this.historyUrlList as the same object.