huoguangjin / MultiHighlight

Jetbrains IDE plugin: highlight identifiers with custom colors 🎨💡
GNU General Public License v3.0
103 stars 22 forks source link

Colors don't work for text files #3

Closed przemo509 closed 2 years ago

przemo509 commented 6 years ago


This plugin looks very promising but it doesn't work for no-code files, like some txt or log files.

Lets assume I have a file like this: image

I want to highlight string "cc" in one color and string "dd" in other. So I mark one of "cc" occurrences and press shortcut Ctrl+'. Then I get this result: image

It looks like regular Find tool. Now I mark "dd" and press Ctrl+' again. I get this: image

This is just regular Find regexp tool and all matching occurrences are highlighted in the same default green color. For a java file everything works like a charm. Simply I would like to reproduce behavior of Notepad++ (mark some text, not necessarily whole word -> right click -> Style token)

Thanks, Przemek

charego commented 6 years ago

It used to work for my Scala source files, but after an update to IntelliJ it stopped working. Java still works great. I'm happy to look into a fix, can you point me in the right direction?

krasa commented 5 years ago

I've had something similar in Grep Console plugin, now I needed this so I implemented it.


johnzeng commented 5 years ago

+1 for this feature, is this plugin still under maintain? Looks like no more commit since 2017

pgp commented 4 years ago

+1 as well, this is a great plugin, it's a pity it doesn't work with regular text files opened in the IDE

huoguangjin commented 2 years ago

Try v3.0.0