huonw / spellck

A spell-checker for Rust code.
Apache License 2.0
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Pluralization support for words. #15

Closed sinistersnare closed 10 years ago

sinistersnare commented 10 years ago

This checks if the word being checked ends with an "s" and if so sees if the version without the final "s" is a valid word. This satisfies the one requirement on #5 :

As of this change Ducks is allowed as Duck on /usr/share/dict/words

What else is needed to make this a worthwhile pull request?

sinistersnare commented 10 years ago

Lifthraiser told me about the porter stemming algorithm, so that would work much better than this stupid solution! I will look into this soon!

sinistersnare commented 10 years ago

Going to close this and make a PR using the rust-stem library