hupe1980 / gatsby-theme-material-ui

Gatsby theme for Material-UI
MIT License
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Unable to disable webFontsConfig #96

Open austinbutler opened 2 years ago

austinbutler commented 2 years ago

This seems to cause errors with @mui v5 and the the latest of this plugin.


Generating development SSR bundle failed

Can't resolve '/.cache/webfonts/webfonts.css' in '/Users/jshebert/Development/lightstep-web/node_modules/gatsby-plugin-webfonts'

If you're trying to use a package make sure that '/.cache/webfonts/webfonts.css' is installed. If you're trying to use a local file make sure that the path is

File: node_modules/gatsby-plugin-webfonts/gatsby-ssr.js:24:39

not finished Building development bundle - 5.847s
not finished Caching HTML renderer compilation - 0.023s

Removing the line webFontsConfig: null allows my site to build.

Originally posted by @panzacoder in

chandlervdw commented 1 year ago

I also am unable to override the fonts with this plugin using webFontsConfig: null