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a question about matrix calculus #2

Open lichongbin opened 5 years ago

lichongbin commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your ebook of matrix-calculus, i have read it while learning "machine learning". It is a wonderful book, and describles the matrix-calculus so clearly. There is something that disturbs me a lot. From the definition of wiki, the trace operator only applys to square matrix. This is a necessary condition for Theorem 4 in your book. Everything goes well, except the proof of Theorem 5. The suffixes of A is written as mn. I think it should be nn. Do you think so?

hupili commented 5 years ago

@lichongbin Thanks for the feedback! Yes, writing nn should be better. I'm not an active tex user now so I have to keep the repo as is (to avoid potential cluttering). Thanks again!